I've done a bit of research on this movie... and apparently in order to fully 'get' it, you have to go into all the viral marketing that they've done in advance as it explains a lot of the story that the movie itself neglects to display.
Strange way to go about things, but hey, if you are interested in learning more, the sites that the Cloverfield project put out that are entirely tied into the movie are...
Way too long! And I vote AnimeNext because I don't mind driving to New Jersey by myself.... looks like few people I know are doing Otakon this year. Not wanting to drive in Baltimore. :D
Comments 18
We need to flail about it together soon.
^__^ I'm currently rping Amber in a multifandom RP, where there's a Hei playing there. It's lots of fun.
Woah.... how many RPs are you in? ... 10? 20? *bows in awe*
Not that many..um...only 6 or 7? Only 2 are multifandom ones.
And you should totally join the one I'm playing Amber in...We could use a Ying..or any other Darker than Black char..*hint hint*
As far as the movies go, I'd be game for Cloverfield, though I know I've got raiding for tonight and another scheduled later on Saturday.
Strange way to go about things, but hey, if you are interested in learning more, the sites that the Cloverfield project put out that are entirely tied into the movie are...
http://slusho.jp/ , a beverage company, this made me laugh a bit.
http://tagruato.jp/ , a sea exploration/drilling company website.
http://tidowave.com/ , a Tagruato-bashing site, proclaiming their abuse of the planet. They seem to be near-violent activists.
And definitely give an update about Cloverfield. I've been dying to see that since they started looping previews on TV @_@
Iiiit'sss beeeeennn ssooooo loooonnnnggg!!!
And if you do Ayame, I'll totally be your Orihime! That would be cool...I could sick you on any cosplaying Espada we see...lol, funny, funny, funny!
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