Based on
KinKi Kids' appearance on Utaban 2001.05.23, the one which showed thank-you videos KinKi recorded with the prizes they got from Utaban.
Disclaimer: This writing is fictional and has no commercial purpose. Characters are real persons belonging to themselves.
Pairing: Undercurrent KinKi Kids
Genre: Introspective short, slight angst
Rating: G
Fill in the Blanks
He wished Nakai-senpai would stop encouraging them to play buddies-- it really didn't achieve anything other than putting them through a guilt trip over trivial matters like why he had troubled someone else for the recording and not asked Kouichi.
"It's awkward to talk outside work," Tsuyoshi didn't answer, partly because the fans were watching, and mostly because such a clumsy fact he would hesitate to confess even in heart-to-heart talks with Okada.
Instead he blamed Kouichi's filming schedule, knowing his partner wouldn't mind him exploiting that excuse, the actual reason being a mutual sentiment.
And so, "It's fine to call me anytime," Kouichi didn't offer, partly because it would put Tsuyoshi on the spot, and mostly because it was embarrassing to act polite and friendly when his partner already knew that it was forced.
Therefore-- "If you did call, it would've been so unexpected I'd actually be really happy about it," Tsuyoshi didn't hear, and he continued to hold back from calling Kouichi when not absolutely necessary.
Therefore-- "If we hadn't been partnered for work we probably would've never talked to each other," Kouichi didn't sense, and he continued to second-guess the almost tender look he sometimes caught from Tsuyoshi in the middle of rehearsals.