Thought of something crazy and corny when I looked at the Swan Song Minisute screencap, but I lack the skills to make a parody fanvid so I made this... hm, pic-fic? Though it's not even a fic.
Largely based on this
2001 Hong Kong concert tour report where KinKi visited a feng-shui master and got told the type of woman that would bring them good fortune. (I conveniently generalized the gender, of course.) It's Chinese-subbed; poke me if anyone wants a translation. ^_^
Disclaimer: This is a parody. Please also pardon the uncredited use of photo/video sources, since they are from all over the place.
Warning: Pointlessness. And for the slow connections-- a bunch of pics under the cut.
Tsu: "Isn't this position rather uncomfortable for you?"
Kou: "No, no, it's fine! Totally fine!"
Tsu: "Hmmm. But don't I do it better?"
Kou: *realizes* "Oh no!"
[Flashback] Hong Kong Feng-shui Master: "The partner that is good for Tsuyoshi is someone whose figure is like a tree, tall and thin."
Kou: *dejected* "I'm not tall enough?"
Kou: "But you see..." *examines self*
Tsu: "That's VERY skinny."
Kou: "Score!"
Tsu: "...I'm not sure if it's a good thing."
Kou: "Trust me, I'm ideal!"
On the other hand...
[Flashback] Hong Kong Feng-shui Master: "The partner that is good for Kouichi is someone with wide and big eyes."
Since then, Tsuyoshi has been practicing...
...Because he believes that 'fate' is in their own hands.
(Mission accomplished.)
Kou: "Okay, I know. This way, everyone is comfortable, right?" [*]
Tsu: "Oh well, whatever makes you happy."
The End.
[*] Cheated a bit there, since the position they did find comfortable was shown in a less suitable screencap. =P