Title: Afterglow
Pairing: Pikame
Rating: PG
Genre: drama, romance
Disclaimer: The boys belong to Johnny-san and their respective families and to themselves…
Summary: Yamapi and Kazuya go out clubbing with the other boys and get what they wanted and so much more than what they wanted in the first place.
Warning: M-preg. If you don’t like stuff like this,
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Comments 19
thanks for readin, glad you liked it.
Cute to have these two in this fic :D
Can't wait to read the next chapter ~
il try to update soon,
and I doubt Johnny will even let kame keep the baby
screww Johnny
Kame can be the first man to have baby rite?
good update..
thank you dear :P
uhm, i dunno about johnny but i think his goldenboy pi will persuade him to just have the baby.
thanks for reading.
He might as well make more $ out of that hihi
I like when he said "I want him"
then Let's go Pchan!!! make him yours!!!
I cant wait for the next update
Plz update , this is really good fiction^^
I feel really happy and smiling while reading them
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