In the event that there's anyone on my friends list that wants to have a go on Dreamwidth, I hereby let it be known that I have 5 invite codes currently outstanding
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It's a "fork" of the LJ code, run by a bunch of really cool people who are dedicated to not making all the mistakes of LJ, by being as open as possible (up to and including being Open Source). They're also making a bunch of changes to how the LJ system works, one of my favourites being separating "friends" into "watch" and "trust" (so you can put someone on your friendslist without letting them read your friendslocked entries). They've also set it up to run as well as they can make it with LJ (for instance, you can set it to repost all your entries back to LJ, which is what I do, and import everything from your LJ over to your DW account). is the site, feel free to have a look at your leisure. I still have three codes spare if you're interested in having a look :)
Comments 6
Reply is the site, feel free to have a look at your leisure. I still have three codes spare if you're interested in having a look :)
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