Classic TV

Apr 02, 2015 09:51

While I consider myself a classic film buff I wouldn't necessarily say the same about classic TV. That is mainly because while there are certain classic TV shows I know very well there are so many I don't. And while there are still tons of classic film I haven't seen it is much easier being an expert on a wide variety of film than TV ( Read more... )

hogans heroes, maverick, star trek, doctor who

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Comments 9

insaneladybug April 3 2015, 00:42:43 UTC
When I watch films, I usually prefer old ones, but between movies and TV, I'm definitely more of a TV person. It's so nice to have many adventures with the characters through a series instead of just one in a movie. Plus, when there isn't a lot of free time, it's much easier to watch an episode of a show than to dig out a movie ( ... )


kirarakim April 3 2015, 12:47:33 UTC
Actually Mary Tyler Moore would probably be very high up on my list of favorites too, I still adore that theme song.

As for Darrin I don't know I feel it kind of wrong for him to make Samantha not use magic. I don't like how he tries to control her in that way, I did feel sorry for him when Endora picked on him but Agnes Moorehead was great. Although I really loved Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha.

I haven't seen Mister Ed in many years so not sure what I would feel about it now. The only think I distinctly remember is Mister Ed's voice.

I never saw Changing of the Guard will have to find that ep.

When I get into a TV series I can really get into it but I tend to not get into multiple TV shows at the same time. I guess I am just more into discovering and watching classic films.


insaneladybug April 3 2015, 13:02:03 UTC
Oh yes, the theme is classic. I find myself randomly humming it sometimes.

True, it doesn't seem good to try to control her that way. I suppose he felt he had a good reason, like not wanting her to stir things up unnecessarily or cause her to become a spectacle if anyone ever realized the truth?

Mr. Ed's voice is definitely something to remember.

It's really awesome. :)

Classic films are fun to discover too.


rose_of_pollux April 3 2015, 01:45:04 UTC
I've grown up with a lot of classic TV series--Get Smart was my favorite growing up, but I also watched Dick van Dyke, Andy Griffith, Donna Reed, and I Dream of Jeannie because my family would end up watching those, too. But, like you, Hogan's Heroes and Classic Who were both things I got into relatively recently (Gilligan's Island, too).

Definitely love the teams of LeBeau-Newkirk-Carter and Two-Jamie. But, of course, you know that already. ;)


kirarakim April 3 2015, 12:57:10 UTC

Definitely love the teams of LeBeau-Newkirk-Carter and Two-Jamie. But, of course, you know that already. ;)

Yes a little bird may have mentioned that to me. But it is nice to share that love with you. :)

I feel I need to watch Get Smart again, besides maybe a random ep here and there it's been awhile since I saw it. Now that there are more channels playing classic TV than ever before maybe I can catch it some time.


marie1964 April 3 2015, 10:38:04 UTC
Speaking of HH women, I really do wish the regulars-- Helga, Hilda, and my favorite, even though she's more of a guest star, Tiger-- had had bigger parts. Mostly I just wish Tiger had been in more episodes. I know in one Hogan mentions how she saved them and that's why he's disobeying London to go save her. I would have LOVE to have seen that episode; fanfiction will have to do.

I think a lot of people enjoy The Mind Robber, I know I do. My second favorite, even though it's technically a Six episode, would have to be The Two Doctors. It's great having Two and Jamie back.


kirarakim April 3 2015, 12:59:16 UTC
I like Tiger a lot too. Arlene Martel is also in one of my favorite Star Trek eps Amok Time.

I am of two minds with the Two Doctors, I do enjoy it because it has a lot of scenes and moments I love but it isn't my favorite story and I think the direction is poor but I feel that way about a lot of 1980's Doctor Who eps. I do love Colin Baker though and I find his really underrated.


marie1964 April 4 2015, 14:08:04 UTC
I haven't seen many TOS episodes admittedly, but what I have I rather like. I have seen a fair number of TNG though.

I don't think the direction is poor, but I'm curious why you think that?


kirarakim April 5 2015, 12:26:31 UTC
The direction just felt cheap and amuterish to me, even though it was filmed on location. But as I said that is a general feeling I get from 1980's Who.

I learned to appreciate 80's Who from Big Finish but I still dislike most of the TV stuff.


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