Title: Our Own Brand of Paradise
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, YooSuMin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Smut, angst, mention of some really recent news (just in case you don't like it? I don't know why I'm warning.)
A/N: This chapter will be in three parts due to me wanting to get something out before college. Just in case I can't completely finish the chapter.
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Comments 10
Okay, I'm back. haha I seriously hate the manager in this one. How can he be so freaking cruel?
And what Chun said about Jae being super attractive and is an easy victim got me laughing.
Am glad that they were still able to lift their spirits up what with all the manager and the last day approaching.
I squinted and I saw MinSu at the end. YAY FOR ME!!!! hehehe
I like it when people spot :D It makes me feel so cool. ♥
Manager should die. I'm glad you don't like him. ^^' Then again... I might be worried for anyone who does. XD
I was wondering if that part was a bit too forward. XD I'm glad you laughed! I felt a little insecure about forward Chun. It was followed by a bit of possessive Yunho though, which is fun. :)
I LOVE YOUR MINSU ICON. *random incoherent babbling sounds* ISSOCUTE ♥♥♥
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥♥♥
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I'm glad you liked it! Thank you sooooo much for reading and commenting~! ♥
poor jae is so stressed out but yun is understanding as always
look forward to more comfort!yunjae, its what i love d most about this fic ^^
YAY! ♥ You might be happy with the next part then. :D
Thank you so much for reading and commenting~ ♥
urgh stupid..manager. D:
I really like how you depict all the members in here & the chemistry they all have. Makes me really enjoy this.
I'm glad you like it! ♥ I'm hoping there'll be even more chemistry in the next part. It's like, exploding in my head.
...that sounded weird. ^^;
Thank you again for reading and commenting~! ♥
Another person who's read it straight like that?! Thank you so much! ♥♥♥
You like the 3? I think they're starting to grow on people, that makes me happy ♥ Yay Changmin bias! I don't think I have a bias yet... I always feel bad when I start liking someone because then I'm not liking the others enough. XD
He's such a jerk! I can't stand him >>; I... totally want your intimidating-Junsu quote underneath a picture. I have to find a suitable picture now. :P
Is it too much of a change between the stories? Sorry. XD I'm seriously thinking about them... and a smut scene... they deserve it. ^-^v Thank you soooo much! ♥♥♥♥
Spazzy long comments are my favorites♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you soooo much for reading and commenting!!
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