Title: Sick Day Author: Kirakiraayumi Genre: Romance (ish) Rating: PG-13 (for hints) Pairing: Akame (with Ryopi jumping in) Summary: Kame gets sick, and the guys have to do a concert without him. The rarity presents even rarer moments.
He seems like he's always so work-driven. XD I thought he'd be a bit persistent when he was sick. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
loved loved loved it. It was lovely and sweet and fluffy and there was snuggling and looking after each other, and calling in favours from friends, and it was really sweet :) well done, it was nicely paced and the dialogue was sweet and lovely.
Thank you! I'm glad it came off really well. It was supposed to be short and sweet and turned into a giant mass of words. XD So I'm really happy that you enjoyed it. Thanks a bunch for reading and especially commenting!
Comments 20
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They are so sweet! ^_^
cute! love this! specially the part where AT-TUN call Kame when they're still in the concert!
love how you put ryopi into this! ^^
i'll be screaming like a craaazyy fan if the situation where yamapi took over the conversation happens..LOL
thanks for sharing ^.^
You're welcome! But moreso thank you for reading and commenting! <3
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