ask dr lj: miso soup

Nov 20, 2008 13:31

Are any of you regular miso soup eaters? Do you buy it somewhere, or make it at home? I'm considering starting more meals with miso, to get my protein in, but some miso I love and some I hate and I don't know anything about the pastes and packets you can buy at the store. Care to share any recommendations ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

morrigandaughtr November 20 2008, 19:38:13 UTC
I used to get my miso at Whole Foods. Can't remember the brand, but it was always for this recipe, which was my favorite miso soup.

Vegetable-Miso Soup
(paraphrased from John Robbins’ May All Be Fed)

6 cups water
6 tablespoons white miso
3/4 pound fresh peas, shelled, or 3 cups frozen peas, thawed
3 green onions with tops, thinly sliced
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and sliced into thin rings
1 garlic clove, minced
1 medium piece dulse, finely chopped
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon hot sesame oil

Mix 1 cup of water and miso in a small bowl.

In a large pot combine the remaining 5 cups water, green onions, peas, jalapenos, and garlic. Cover and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then immediately reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Stir in the dulse, lemon juice, hot sesame oil, and miso. Bring barely to a simmer over medium-high heat. Serve immediately.

6 servings.


lauraleanalle November 20 2008, 19:40:05 UTC
Wheatsville has the best selection of (and best quality) miso in town, I think. I like the barley miso, I'm not sure what brand it is, I think it's got a crazy looking asian cook guy on the package (which is a small plastic tub, like earth balance comes in). The brand has several different varieties, and I think it might be the only barley miso they carry. It's good, healthy, and a littler heartier than other misos.


miso delicious! 1madgirl November 20 2008, 20:23:56 UTC
I'm a fan of "red" miso, since I don't like the kind made with white rice. All the brands I've found at the co-op are awesome. I love mixing a fat spoonful of it in hot cereal. It really brings out the flavor. Miso is also one of the best natural sources of acidopholis, so it's good for overall intestinal (and vaginal) health.

I have to watch my soy intake very closely, because the added estrogen makes me moody, and soy in general gives me gas. It's (frequently) so processed to all hell...yuck.


contentlove November 20 2008, 21:01:30 UTC
I make miso at home. I like Miso Master Organic soy paste. The red miso is nice, so are other flavors I've tried. A tub lasts me a long ass time, you just add hot water to a dollop of it and you've got soup. I add scallions and some tofu cubes (if I've got 'em).


bolowolf November 21 2008, 01:15:54 UTC
Soulspirals found a miso soup recipe we used to use. It was a basic broth soup.

If I remember right we used brown miso, two tablespoons per cup. We would often add onion powder. It had a little stronger of a flavor, a little bitter.

If you needed/wanted more detailed info, you could try contacting soulspirals.


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