a little about me

Nov 25, 2011 17:46

this is my introductory get to know me post.

under the cut is

My name is Jen, my nickname is Kira. Call me one or the other please.

I'm 25, canadian, married, and the mother of a 4 year old.

My husband is a firefighter in the CAF. I'm a proud air force wife, and i grew up an army brat. I've never lived in a place where there was not a military base.

I'm bisexual, and kind of a wiccan. If you don't want to hear about the wiccan-ness, it has its own filter.

I'm a writer, and a crazy artisan. I paint, sculpt, crochet, sew, design clothes and jewellery, scrapbook, ATC, make jewelery, spin yarn, and anything crafty i can get my hands on. My crafty stuff has its own filter. Writing wise i do poetry, short stories and fanfic. There's a writing filter too.

My husband is blessed/cursed with ridiculously awesome and amazingly hot co-workers. I talk about them alot and they all have nicknames. I refer to them as a group as the mchotties. when i'm talking about one of them, its mc-something. a few examples are mcgay, mcsidewaysguitar, mctall, mchotwife, mctinywife.

I write fanfic. I'm not ashamed. I have a separate journal for bandom related fic, but mostly i don't post it on lj. i have written (and sometimes still write) in these fandoms: BTVS, ATS, Anita Blake, Firefly, SGA, SG1, LOTR, POTC, Bandom, and the Potter 'Verse.

I have some health issue. I have an anxiety disorder, which makes dealing with stress very hard. After my daughter was born i was diagnosed with PPP, i still have some depression issues, but most of the time i'm just fine. I have horrible balance, and a cyst in my knee that has been giving me trouble. I have blood sugar issues, and insomnia.
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