011 Resolutions

Jan 03, 2012 00:18

[A: Action; Locked to Housemates]

[Cain is in the front room, carefully taking down the Christmas decorations. He's got a wide smile on his face, even if there's a slightly wistful look in his eyes as he winds up tinsel and packs away baubles.]

[B: Around Town (Open)]

[On the way to the store this morning, Cain was enjoying the crisp weather now ( Read more... )

&phone, new year, *luke, !ic, *alessandro, *charles, &town, masks, making friends, house of fail, industrious worker, all the smiles, *engie, *tsunade, derp, *demyx, *chell, *rigby, *bazett, &home, goody two-shoes, *terra, *mikiya

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Comments 212

1/2 lookinglively January 3 2012, 00:27:02 UTC
[Incidentally Demyx was walking aimlessly down the other side of the street just as that rock went flying. For a moment the blond looks just as surprised as Cain when it smashes through that window--]


2/2 lookinglively January 3 2012, 00:29:20 UTC
[--But then he's just laughing obnoxiously at Cain. Apparently this is just about as socially acceptable to Demyx as the whistle and shouting he does from across the street. At a stranger none-the-less!]

Nice aim!


kinships January 3 2012, 00:32:44 UTC
[So cruel, Demyx... ): Laughing at a ten year old boy, that way. Said ten year old looks over, then back at the window, then back at Demyx.]

...It was an accident!


lookinglively January 3 2012, 00:45:41 UTC
[He can't even blame not having a heart on this one - because now that isn't even true. But since Cain is just a kid Demyx will tone down the teasing.]

You'd better run away before someone else sees what you did!


answerer_sword January 3 2012, 00:49:30 UTC
[Bazett had gone inside her house to get a drink when the window was smashed from behind her. She throws open the door, ready to punch whoever did it. She is greeted with the sight of a little boy looking horrified.]

Did you do this?


kinships January 3 2012, 01:01:38 UTC
[Looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights, he turned at her voice and nodded jerkily.]

Y...es, it was an accident, I'm so sorry.


answerer_sword January 3 2012, 01:13:39 UTC
[She sighs. She dislikes ominous events during New Year's day because they seemed to herald bad luck for the rest of the year. However, since it was obviously an accident and she could easily fix the window, she decides she can let it slide.]

Please be more careful next time.


kinships January 3 2012, 02:01:11 UTC
Is there anything I can do? Maybe I can help fix it?

[He looks absolutely wretched. Sob.]


Phone shotapope January 3 2012, 01:32:18 UTC
I... I w-was going to resolve to be a b-b-better leader....


Phone kinships January 3 2012, 02:01:45 UTC
That sounds like a very admirable resolution, but you don't have to take all the responsibilities onto your own shoulders.


Phone shotapope January 3 2012, 02:08:45 UTC
I... I w-want to agree but... but I a-also know that relying on that is p-pushing away my d-duties. If I d-don't hold myself r-responsible then who is? If I am the r-ruler of a v-vast nation, I n-need to c-carry it strongly or else the p-people are the ones who s-suffer. A w-weak leader who l-lets others c-carry responsibility a-allows corruption.... P-people do things in your name, b-but they're things you never knew of, or d-don't agree with. Those p-people have followers who listen t-to them over anyone else. The l-leader is then only a l-leader in name alone.

A p-puppet figure head....

I know it w-will take many years of r-resolutions but... but it is s-something I owe the p-people who rely on the Ch-Church. It is wh-what I owe Rome and all those e-effected by the Vatican. It is s-something I must s-slowly go toward as b-best I can. E-even if it's just a small tiny s-step at a time.


Phone kinships January 3 2012, 02:53:27 UTC
[He is silent for a moment, letting that sink in.]

I have no doubt that with determination as strong as that, you'll reach your goal before you know it. But try to remember, even strong leaders need to lean on others sometimes.


B; 1/3 decadenzas January 3 2012, 02:13:53 UTC
[WOW RUDE don't you know there are people sleeping in the midday?? and throwing rocks through the window is so not a good way to go around getting people's attention, okay.

barely a few seconds after the rock sails through his window, Charles is there, looking like he wants to stab whoever did it with one of the glass shards now at his feet.]



decadenzas January 3 2012, 02:15:20 UTC
[-oh wait, he actually recognises this particular house-vandalising hooligan.

surely that means he'll let Cain off with a merciful scolding!]


3/3 decadenzas January 3 2012, 02:18:05 UTC
Honestly! Between the idiot next door with the ducks and the morons living in this very house, you'd think they would do a fair enough job of ruining perfectly peaceful mornings all on their own. But of course you'd feel the need to lend a helping hand, of course. You could have put someone's eye out with that, you know? Or brained someone, how would that have been? Not very pleasant for those of us with a freshly-stained carpet-!

[nope, apparently not.]


sdkvjn haha oh charles kinships January 3 2012, 02:54:35 UTC
[Oh, what luck, of course he smashed the window of someone he knew. Of course he did. Sigh. He could apologise, but...]

...I guess I woke you up, then?


Around town hintcoinplz January 3 2012, 02:51:44 UTC
[Luke shows up a bit late, glancing over at the broken window.]

Wow! What happened? Did someone break that window over there?


kinships January 3 2012, 02:56:24 UTC
[He looks over at Luke a little guilty, um...]

...I guess someone did.



hintcoinplz January 3 2012, 03:16:47 UTC
Gosh, that's awfully rude.

Is there a way to fix it? It doesn't seem right to just leave it like that.


kinships January 3 2012, 03:49:12 UTC
I'm not sure, we could try and tape some paper over it so that the cold doesn't blow in the house so much.


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