[fanfiction] Tegoshi's Brilliant Idea

Mar 04, 2008 19:36

My first crack at NEWS fanfiction.  I'm not sure if my characterization is accurate since I wrote this at midnight while high on SuJu's hot hip thrusting. 8D

Prompted by this.  ♥o♥

Title: Tegoshi's Brilliant Idea
Rating: PG-15 for implied orgy? xD;
Pairing: NEWS orgy; implied KoyaShige, TegoMassu, RyoPi
Warnings: mentions of stripping and implied orgy
Genre: Humor, Romance
Summary: Yay for random ideas? xD

Moved to

pairings: tegomassu, fanfiction, je: ryo, pairings: ryopi, je: shige, pairings: koyashige, je: koyama, music: super junior, je: yamapi, je: massu, je: tegoshi, je: news

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