I saw The Chronicles of Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. All the changes that are made for this particular series when transferred from book to movie have all been really successful and have really helped the flow of the movies. Also, Ben Barnes was SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot. I love his epic bromance with Edmund.
Long time no post, IKR. Don't worry, I come bearing gifts. A collection of icons feature, Puck, Kurt, Blaine, Mark, Darren, Homeless Brett and a few others(e.i. the rest of New Directions).
homaigod do i have an icon update coming up for you. Mark and Darren and Puck and Kurt and Blaine and BB-Gleeks. Every time I try to make icons for anything other than Glee it doesn't work and I circle back around to making Puck icons. As soon as I'm done getting them in order I will be posting them.
I CLEARLY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH HAPPY!KURT ICON. I don't know if that is because I just haven't made any or if he just is never really that happy. I need to get on that.
I need to make more icons that aren't just Glee, hahaha. I've reached 63 user icons and 97% of them are Glee, and 92% of those are Puck. (don't be fooled even the one for this post is Mark Salling)
I don't know about you but I am going through some kind of Puck withdrawal with the lack of new episodes featuring him. I'm pretty sure it's been almost a month. So in order to pass the time, over the course of the month, I've gone about creating a very large collection of Puck Icons which I am now sharing with you. Some are shit, some are nice and
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Part 2 (yes, I'm actually posting part 2!) of icons for 02x04 Between part one and two, it's pretty clear I am favoring Sam and Kurt but that's only because Puck isn't there.