
Feb 09, 2007 17:35

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Comments 7

yume_odori February 10 2007, 00:27:26 UTC
great =P

I love the 17 ^^

nice work *thumbs up*


jaelle85 February 10 2007, 11:23:39 UTC
Well done!
Taking #25, will credit :)


amorispure February 10 2007, 18:05:27 UTC
i love everything will save it on my memories


kaupixgirl February 10 2007, 19:11:25 UTC
took a few. air martin is the best.. haha


word_never_said February 10 2007, 19:31:49 UTC
No request, just wanted to say I love them. Snagging a few--unsure which ones yet. But how did you make that little boxy thing all the icons are in? I make icons and I want to use something like that but don't know how. Any help would be great. Thanks!


coldplayislove February 12 2007, 05:13:59 UTC
Well, I could give you the layout I use. I have it save on word. I can post it here or email it to you. Whichever one is easier for you =]


word_never_said February 12 2007, 13:46:08 UTC
That'd be awesome! My email is baddtoby@gmail.com. Thanks so much!


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