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Golden Oldies (You pick what I do next month!) :)
This fic is in response to
this prompt on KMM1: Arthur/Mordred (adult Mordred obviously), obsession
733 words.
Mordred looked up at the castle as he walked through the forest, undetected as always.
Ever since he'd been a child, Camelot had seemed like a great, mystical place. Arthur had saved him. The Prince of Camelot had personally saved him. That could mean only one thing, and Mordred looked forward to the day they could openly announce their love for each other.
Arthur was king now, of course, and Mordred no longer a boy. That didn't stop him from thinking on Arthur often - his every thought was consumed by Arthur, of the things he wanted from Arthur, would give him as soon as he asked.
It was why he spent his time in the forest closest the citadel, in the hopes that one day his love would be realised.
Today was just like all the other days, though, and now Mordred was beginning to doubt it would ever change. There was only one thing he could do to get his Arthur back.
He needed to be saved, and Arthur was the only one who could do it. Would do it.
It wasn't hard to plant the tales of a savage beast into the minds of all he crossed. Eventually, he had to create it, because if there was nothing for Arthur to save him from, then how would they start their destiny?
Arthur was as golden ever, and Mordred couldn't help the wonder that filled him when he finally saw him.
"Arthur!" Mordred cried, desperate, though that desperation was not borne by fear of the creature who had him upside down, close to death. That was all an illusion, and the savage beast obeyed Mordred's command. "Arthur, save me, please!"
"Mordred?" Arthur asked, surprised, and Mordred knew then that his obsession was returned, that Arthur had thought on him as often as Mordred had thought on Arthur. How else would he remember him? "Mordred, hold on, I'll get you down."
Arthur made quick work of defeating the beast and rescuing Mordred, pulling him close as they watched the creature dying.
"Why didn't you just use magic to defeat it? You're a druid, aren't you?"
"I was," Mordred said. "But I gave it up for you. I will not use magic whilst you still deem it evil. I never want you to think of me that way, Arthur. How can I come to Camelot if I commit illegal acts?"
"Oh, Mordred," Arthur sighed. "I'd have let you come anyway. I saved you. I'm hardly going to be angry with you for doing what you must to survive."
Merlin, in the background, makes a disgusted, choking sound, and Mordred thinks, It serves him right, the bastard, trying to get me caught. I'll take everything from you. Everything.
Then Mordred gets to return to Camelot, lies of his true intentions at the ready, gets to return to Arthur, and the place where their love for each other started.
It takes Mordred longer than he expected to worm his way into Arthur's bed.
Nothing really changed when it finally happened - the only difference was that the Arthur surrounding Mordred's every thought was real, and solid above him. The litany of "Arthur-Arthur-Arthur" on his soul had never been so strong, and he knew, now more than ever, that Arthur was his destiny.
They fight side by side. That is always the way, and the way Mordred wishes it always to be, no matter that, somehow, things have changed for them.
Mordred's soul still calls for Arthur, but now the call is a dangerous, dark thing. Mordred tries not to give into it, but Arthur has been his obsession since he was eleven. Now a man of seven-and-twenty... what can he do but give in to everything his soul has to say about Arthur?
They are at Camlann when their destiny awakes.
Mordred sees the blood on his own blade, feels the rip through his body as Excalibur sinks itself deep.
"Arthur," Mordred whimpered, reaching out for him. His hands find Arthur's face, and Mordred feels close to crying in exultant relief.
"Mordred, you have betrayed me," Arthur bites out, panting, and they're both going to die. Mordred knows it, revels in it.
"No. Love you, Arthur. You're my destiny. This... This is our destiny."
The world turns black and cold, but that doesn't matter.
Mordred's last thought is of Arthur, and it's a happy one.