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Golden Oldies (You pick what I do next month!) :)
This fic is in response to
this prompt on KMM1: Arthur/Merlin, girl!Arthur where Arthur gets changed into a girl and he comes to realise just how difficult it is to be a female. Like for example how people (particularly Uther) treat him differently, how he doesn't get the same respect, how he's not allowed to do certain things, etc. Porn/kink is still very much welcome (very much welcome!!!) but I would really like to see something that focuses on the gender issues and Arthur learning the harsh reality of what it's like to be a woman in those days.
656 words.
The fourth time Arthur is denied access to the training grounds, he throws a fit the likes of which would have sent his knights scattering for cover, clambering to get him exactly what he wants.
Instead, there are mocking jibes, and instead of being scared of him, his knights ask if it's his time of month, of all things.
All in all, its very debilitating.
It's not that being a woman doesn't have it's benefits. Things between him and Merlin have certainly gotten more interesting now Arthur can see the look on Merlin's face when they fuck. A lot more complicated, too, because if they're facing each other - Arthur can't hide from the love there any more, and he definitely can't hide his own feelings.
It's just the rest of being a woman that's getting Arthur down.
He can't cope with this much longer. It's been two weeks, and every day is another humiliation he doesn't think he can cope with.
How Morgana copes with it, Arthur doesn't know.
He and Merlin hatch a plan, to start finding a cure for Arthur. Arthur thinks it cannot come soon enough.
It's four weeks in, and Arthur's just had the most embarrassing conversation of his life with Morgana. At some point, he lets his relationship with Merlin slip, and is glad she doesn't scoff. He needs to be cured now, dammit, because he's not going through another hour of wondering if everyone can tell, if he's leaking everywhere.
It's fucking gross. No one should have to put up with this.
Two months later, and Arthur's settled into a routine. He plays the good girl during the day, hating every second of it, looking forward only to his night time.
A handful of his loyal knights - the ones he chose, not that his father gave him - gave in when he begged for an hour with a sword in hand. When he'd defeated them all, they conceded that maybe he was still capable of training as he had before.
Now, at night time, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen practised with a hand selected group of knights. Arthur had never seen Morgana so happy, or at peace with herself, and made a vow. When Merlin corrected his body, Arthur was going to make things easier for the women of Camelot.
Arthur had been a man for three days.
The amount of respect the knights, noblemen, and even his father had been showing had noticeably improved, but it just made Arthur feel sick.
Finally, he snapped, telling them in no uncertain terms that his character had not changed one whit during the time of the curse, only the way people treated him. He would not respect those who had no respect for him whilst he was affected by the curse, and would respect no man who treated a woman ill.
With Arthur's encouragement, Morgana started training with the knights properly, Gwen at her side. It didn't take her long to prove to some of his most stubborn knights that she was easily more capable than them.
The number of noble women who seemed keen to join Morgana shocked even Arthur, but was apparently no surprise to Gwen or Morgana.
It was years before the people of Camelot forgot about the time their Prince had been turned into a woman. During that time, little had changed, except perhaps the attitude towards women.
Women were still a long way off from being considered equal, but Morgana's personally trained, all female troupe of knights was feared across Albion for its fearlessness.
There was a kind of peace in the realm, too, that Arthur thought would never have been achieved if he hadn't so personally experienced the ways women lived.
And when Merlin turned him back to a woman for a night of amazing sex? Arthur was pretty much ready to gift that sorceress all the titles, money and land she could ever desire.