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Golden Oldies (You pick what I do next month!) :)
This fic is in response to
this prompt on KMM1: Arthur/Merlin, smoking marijuana (however they manage to get a hold of it, though bonus points if it's from Gaius)
500 words.
"Where did you get it?" Arthur asked, looking at the pipe with curiosity.
"Gaius gave it me. It's a birthday present," Merlin said, grinning up at him. "He seemed to think I'd like it. I've never tried it before, though."
"Me either," Arthur admitted. "Father's not too keen on me trying it, which is bullshit given the amount of times him and his men have had it."
"Shall we, then?" Merlin asked, still grinning at him.
"Only if you can use a bit of that magic to light the pipe," Arthur said, taking it from him. "Oh, unless... You want first drag?"
"Nah, it's fine. Wouldn't have offered to share if I didn't mean it."
"Cool," Arthur said, sitting on his bed.
Merlin concentrated on the pipe, and let a small burst of flame ignite, watching Arthur suck the air in. He started spluttering, and Merlin laughed at him.
"Oh, you think it's funny, do you? Why don't you try it? Prove how much better you are?"
"Fine, I will!" Merlin said, taking the pipe from him with a grin.
He took a deep drag in, and couldn't hold back his own coughs.
"Right, fine, you win," Merlin admitted, though his second drag was nowhere near as bad.
Together, they smoked the pipe until there was nothing left. After a few minutes of looking at the pipe, Arthur sighed.
"So what exactly is it supposed to do?" Arthur's voice was crisp and sharp, much stronger than Merlin had heard it before.
"Dunno, really," Merlin admitted, running his tongue around his mouth. "The only thing I can tell is that my mouth is... sort of dry? You got that?"
"Yeah," Arthur giggled. "We should have some wine."
Merlin nodded, sagely, before giggling, too. "You just giggled! I thought you said Prince's never giggle!"
"That's because we don't," Arthur said, as sternly as he could manage whilst laughing at Merlin.
"You're... you're really funny," Merlin laughed. "I've never really noticed how funny until now. Really, really funny."
"Well, thank you Merlin, for that astute observation," Arthur said, a little grumpily, which only made Merlin laugh more.
"Hey, you know what we should do? We should kiss! I heard this stuff is supposed to make everything feel stronger."
"Yeah, cool," Arthur said, leaning over and kissing Merlin soundly on the lips. "Yeah, that's nice. I think I like kissing you."
"Yeah, you should do it more often," Merlin said, still laughing a bit as he kissed Arthur again. "Want to know what's funny?"
"Always," Arthur said, grinning at him.
"Kissing you! It's nothing like I thought. There are no husband's bulges, or anything," Merlin grinned.
"And that's a good thing because?"
"Oh, it's not. Not even slightly. There should be husband's bulges! Just saying... We should do the kissing thing when we've not smoked anything. See if there's a difference."
"You know, Merlin, that was almost clever!"
"I aim to please," Merlin said, kissing Arthur again. This stuff was definitely worth having again.