Kink Me! #27

Dec 09, 2011 16:26

Kink Me! #27
Closed to new prompts
Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #27!

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kink me

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Crossover, Excalibur/Other where other is Merlin's hat, crossover with Warehouse 13 anonymous December 12 2011, 20:01:43 UTC
Can someone give me Merlin's hat driving everyone crazy at the warehouse b/c it never stays were it suppose to and keeps going over to Excalibur

Spacial thanks to k_mouse for helping me fix my prompt


Re: Crossover, Excalibur/Other where other is Merlin's hat, crossover with Warehouse 13 anonymous December 13 2011, 01:44:57 UTC
Lovely prompt OP!

Next time, please try to put the entirety of the prompt in the body of the comment, it makes it much easier for the code mice ^^ Only the spoiler warnings (if there are any) are required in the subject line ^^


Re: Crossover, Excalibur/Other where other is Merlin's hat, crossover with Warehouse 13 anonymous December 13 2011, 02:45:04 UTC
O.M.G. Best crossover prompt idea ever!


FILL: Flying Hats and Disney's Lies [Crossover Warehouse 13, PG, Arthur/Merlin] angelqueen04 January 14 2012, 20:06:58 UTC
Flying Hats and Disney's Lies
Rated PG
1,492 words
Crossover Merlin-Warehouse 13

LiveJournal | AO3


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