Kink Me! #24

Jun 24, 2011 11:50

Kink Me! #24
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Comments 4685

anonymous June 24 2011, 17:02:31 UTC
Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Uther
Merlin and Uther had a little of a liason when Merlin was younger (16) and for a whole year Merlin would come to Arthur's house and Uther would take advantage of him (consesual). Then when Arthur finally realized his homosexuality and most importantly that he has feelings for Merlin. And Merlin shares them.
So when the two of them finally get together, Merlin still has to comes over the Pendragons, but he wants to avoid Uther, whose job is to push the two of them away from each other out of jealousy.


anonymous June 24 2011, 17:18:43 UTC
Elyan/Other (where Other could be any one or more main named male character - knights, prince, sorcerer, etc.)

This a broad prompt, and I hope it doesn't mess with archiving or force variations. Although the knights played a small part of S3, they are main characters in all our recent fics - some AMAZINGLY DEEP Percival stories, some frisky Gwaine stories, some OTPs with Lancelot, and well, Leon is just everyone's favourite (pets Leon).

Elyan is the meme's neglected knight. I'd like to see any fic where his personality is revealed in depth; his.. um... attributes are praised, (those shoulders! those eyes! those lips! that chest!) and he is shown some... appreciation... by any or all of the other male characters. Looking for something that really fleshes out this gorgeous but under-appreciated character.


anonymous June 24 2011, 20:58:54 UTC
Yessssss. I totally 'ship Elyan/Gwaine based on that little bit near the end. And Elyan/Arthur because of the kidnap episode ♥.


anonymous June 29 2011, 21:02:13 UTC
Oh, I totally loved that little bit near the end - I thought at first he was calling for his sister, which sounded crazy, but when I realized it was Gwaine he was worried about, I thought it was SO sweet.

Yes please, someone write this!


lymnilia August 2 2011, 18:53:37 UTC
I'm not sure this is really what you were looking for, because Gwaine has a mind of his own and wouldn't do what I told him, but here is a bit of character study I wrote some time ago.


anonymous June 24 2011, 17:22:34 UTC

In between training, tourneys, rescue missions, and patrols, Gwaine's first year as a knight was well spent methodically making his rounds through the people of Camelot.


anonymous June 24 2011, 21:51:40 UTC
Haha, I love that slutty!Gwaine has pretty much become fanon! No one actually knows if he's only looking for shags LOL Awesome prompt!


anonymous June 24 2011, 17:46:28 UTC
Arthur/Merlin (modern!AU)

Arthur is Hunith's PA.
Hunith is a famous singer/actress and she's always too busy with her work to look after herself... which also means her son. Arthur is just a few years older than Merlin, and he's tried to get on with the boy, but the latter believes that it's Arthur's fault that his mother doesn't have time for him.
When Merlin gets into troubles though (drugs?) Arthur is the one who will clean after the mess and try to get Merlin see that he can be his own person and stop being out shadowed by his mother's fame.


anonymous June 24 2011, 18:06:40 UTC
That sounds like a great idea, anon. I really hope somebody writes it.


anonymous July 15 2011, 22:45:39 UTC
me too


anonymous September 11 2011, 00:30:15 UTC
I would love this. So much.


anonymous June 24 2011, 18:08:27 UTC

Arthur has issues with expressing emotion and issues with admitting when he's wrong. He deals with everything with notes stuck to the bathroom mirror.


(The comment has been removed)

OP Here anonymous July 4 2011, 08:35:11 UTC
So cute! I love that you actually used post-it graphics for the notes. :D


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