The Juniper Tree (The Dresden Files/Supernatural) 4/4

Nov 25, 2009 10:55

Title: The Juniper Tree
Author: ‘Drea/placeofinsanity
Rating: R (for gore, some language and implied sexual content)
Word Count: 12,370 (bitches )
Kink: Endearments, loss of control, magical themes...
Fandoms: Supernatural/The Dresden Files
Pairing: Harry/Bob, Harry/Sam, Sam/Dean
Summary: “We’re asking for help from a wizard who advertises in the yellowpages? ”
Thanks To: My lovely betas: thebunnybag , asexyzombie , rayn_firehawk and sixthbrightest
Artist: aramuin , thank you so much for the AMAZING art.
Notes: I hate Season Four Ruby. I hate her. This is your only warning. Also, the kinks are kind of hidden. Have fun finding them.

Part Four
The Cat

When Harry woke up for real, it was almost six in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise, and he realized that for once, there was nothing pressing in on him. And then Mister jumped up onto the bed. He meowed once, piteously, rubbing his head against Harry’s chin. “Hells Bells, cat, where the hell did you come from?”

Mister merely started purring and curled up on Harry’s chest. Snorting to himself, Harry dropped his head back on the pillow and let the thirty pound weight of his missing cat rumble him back into sleep.

Dean opened his eyes to find himself wrapped in Sam’s arms. His taller brother was curled up behind him, gently pressing his knees behind Deans. One long arm was curled over his stomach, Sam’s fingers clenched in Dean’s tee-shirt. Dean grinned and closed his eyes again, snuggling into the warmth at his back.

Sam opened his eyes and nuzzled his nose into the hair at the back of Dean’s neck. “Morning,” he murmured quietly.
“Something,” Dean whispered back. “Any ideas what time it is?”

“Far too late for you two to continue sleeping,” the acerbic Bob said, a hint of amusement in his tone from somewhere to their left.

Dean jerked upright, dislodging a laughing Sam. “Where the hell did you come from? ” Dean shouted. Bob merely laughed. “How the hell do you do that, ghost?”

“You said it yourself,” Bob said, thumbing his nose. “And how.”

Sam climbed out of bed, stretching his long limbs. “Come on, Dean,” he said with a wide smile. “We should be getting on the road soon anyway.”

Bob’s eyes saddened a little as he said it. “You best be keeping in better touch, Samuel Winchester,” he said fiercely. “We are quite tired of worrying about you, let me tell you.”

Sam was about to respond but Harry clattered down the stairs, dressed and smiling. “If you ever need help,” he said easily. “How about the diner for breakfast?”


Waving Sam and Dean off, Harry turned and faced Bob. “You’ve been pretty mobile,” he said. “Bored of the lab?”

“Insanely,” Bob said dryly. “And Sam is always good company.” Mister loped down the stairs and meowed plaintively. “I see you found that monstrous animal,” he added which made Harry chuckle.

Then, Mister padded slowly over to Bob, his yellow cat eyes on him in a way that made Bob very nervous. Mister gazed at him for a long moment before he started purring and rubbed against Bob’s leg.

Harry’s eyes about fell out of his head. “Bob?” he breathed.

The former ghost scooped up the purring cat. “Surprise?” he said weakly.

The cat was forgotten as Harry yanked Bob into his arms for a tight hug. “Stars and stones, Bob, how?”

“The angel,” Bob answered, holding onto the other wizard just as tightly. “He told me that God - or whoever, really - had more of a say over my sentence than the Council did.” Bob pulled away. “It is nice to touch things again,” he said.

“It’s good to touch back,” Harry murmured.

Bob’s fingers tightened on the edges of Harry’s sleeves. “Oh Harry, don’t.”

Immediately concerned, Harry pulled away to look Bob in the eye. “Don’t what, Bob? You think I don’t know what I’m getting into? I was eleven, right, when you were introduced to me as Hrothbert of Bainbridge? You’ve never been that to me. You’re Bob. When was the last time you thought of yourself as Hrothbert of Bainbridge, the Necromancer and Thaumaturgist?”
Letting out a long slow breath, Bob replied slowly, “it has been...a very long time.”

“Then trust me,” Harry said. “Trust me to keep you in line, just like you have been for me.”

Bob didn’t respond verbally. He just kissed Harry instead.


They stopped at a gas station somewhere inside the border of Minnesota, and Sam ran to get them coffee while Dean pumped the gas. Sam stood in the line with two piping hot styrofoam mugs of the black liquid, gazing out at Dean. “He’s a cute one,” the girl behind the counter said. “How long have you been together?”

“Our whole lives,” Sam answered honestly.

As she rang up the coffee and two candy bars, she made a cooing noise that once would have made Sam cringe. “How’d you meet?”

Sam offered her a brilliant smile. “He saved my life.”

“That’s so sweet ” she squealed while handing back his change. “Good luck ”

“Thanks ” He jogged out to his waiting brother and gave him a quick peck on the lips before giving him the coffee. “Ready?” he murmured.

“Two queens or one king?” Dean asked with a wide, lecherous grin.

Sam laughed, almost spilling his coffee. “Two queens,” he answered, “definitely.”


Harold Killinger kicked at the dirt the burned tree had destroyed. His crew had dug up the stump and tossed it in the back of the truck already. They had watered and put down grass seed and fertilizer, but the ground was still earthly black.

Something lay innocently in the grass a few feet away and grumbling about litering, Harold picked up a red ribbon. He tied it around his wrist, taking two steps before darkness claimed him.

To the rest of the world, Harold Killinger got back into the cab of the truck and drove away.

The next day the grass had grown, and a tree sapling had taken root.

Harold Killinger lovingly tied the Ribbon around his wife of seven years neck, and never noticed when her eyes rolled up in the back of her head, and never noticed when his ten month old started getting sick.

To him, and everyone else, everything was just fine.

* End

| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
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