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[voicemail for Bruce Wayne] presspasskey July 15 2011, 21:03:44 UTC
[Lois sounds a little rushed as she leaves a message.]

This is Lois Lane--Clark's girlfriend that he always talks about, apparently. I'm busy the rest of today, probably, but we need to talk.

Lunch, Saturday-noon, that 24-hour mall place. I know Clark trusts you--but we both know he can blind himself a little, don't we.


[action] presspasskey July 18 2011, 15:03:16 UTC
[Lois' eyes narrow slightly--interesting. So the man probably knew Clark from his other job (and it crosses her mind that maybe she should just start assuming that billionaires in her universe are either supervillains or superheroes, because it seems to be a pretty consistent trend).

After a moment, to give herself a little more time to think, she picks up the water glass to take another few thoughtful sips.]

All right. So that's how you know each other.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but it doesn't really explain how you're close enough to offer him and his girlfriend free living space.


[action] kingofrooks July 18 2011, 15:31:53 UTC
[ Now that's the reporter he knows. More curious, enquiring, instead of nigh panicky and defensive. He taps his lips, and smiles, showing the little bit of teeth.

If this is some sort of fiction, the Bat's shadow would be extending behind him. ]

He's my best friend.

[ And in that admission- (Tim's words: I have friends, Batman has... acquaintances)- it's hidden a million and one implications:

I would die for this man. I would do anything for him. Even if he's not the one I'm familiar with, the one who recognizes me and remembers all that we've been through- even if he's not the same man as the one who went insane when he saw me die and knows me inside out and forgives me even after I indirectly murdered Conner-

He's still Clark. ]


[action] presspasskey July 18 2011, 16:10:41 UTC
[Lois draws a short, almost sharp breath, studying Bruce's face.

And then, after a moment, nods.

She relaxes a little, visibly, and leans back in her chair, smiling a bit. There was honesty in that look, and she is willing to go with her instincts on this one. She's not perfectly assured, but... it'll do for the moment.]

He can be like that.

We've... talked. I'm pretty sure we haven't covered everything yet, but... we started. It's sort of a long conversation to have.

[Her voice is rather wry--yes, Bruce, Lois and Clark do have a rocky history.]


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 01:42:50 UTC
[ Oh yes, he can tell. It's not much different, back in their world - she has taken some time to accept that he had basically been deceiving her for all the time they've known each other.

He tips his head back and drains the water. ]

You've spoken to Kara. [ It's not a question. ] She's told you what he's like, what he's capable of becoming.

[ Pause. ]

Can you handle that?

[ He thinks she can. He thinks she will, eventually. But- differences. He needs to make sure. ]


[action] presspasskey July 19 2011, 02:27:15 UTC
[Her eyes sharpen a little, and her lips thin. For just a moment she wishes, viciously, that that her glass were full of vodka--it might cure the headache she feels coming on dealing with this guy.

She is deliberately not examining whether he might have been implying he was a vigilante, and given that he is from Gotham, she is refusing to try to put a name to him.

Her voice is cooler and more even again when she does answer.]

We exchanged notes on what our versions of him were like. He didn't sound so different, really--except maybe more used to how he dresses in public.

[Lois shrugs and drains her own water.]

Incidentally, I have no idea how anyone talked him into that.


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 03:31:54 UTC
You'll be surprised what a little girl with starry eyes and red hair can convince him to do.

[ And after that little tidbit, the waitress comes over to take their order. Bruce leans his head on a clenched fist, smiling slightly as she refills his water.

He orders some kind of pasta and waits until the waitress leaves before fixing his attention on Lois again, silently watching. ]


[action] presspasskey July 19 2011, 04:24:20 UTC
[Lois just has time to shoot Bruce a totally confused look as to what the frickin' hell he's even talking about --because, really, what?

Lois, for her part, also orders pasta (with pesto, because she's decided it's less indulgent than alfredo sauce or something), and then returns her attention to Bruce.]

When I talked to Kara, she seemed to imply there were all these differences between the Clark I know and the Clark you know. But the best she could come up with... wasn't really something that seemed particularly different.

That makes you the second person to imply that I don't know what he's like--or that who he'll be fifteen years down the line is more important than who he is now.

[And that attitude is one she finds a little irritating. She has no doubt he must be magnificent, when comfortable with himself.

She also thinks that as he is he's plenty... well, super.]


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 04:43:42 UTC
He is different, because he's far more assured. Far more certain about his choice and his place in life. [ Because that's what he's definitely noticed about this Clark that he's known for less than three months - the lack of certainty regarding Superman, regarding his place.

But it's understandable. The Clark he knows had fifteen years to understand that he's become a symbol of hope and inspiration. That people look up to him, that he is doing good by just existing.

It'll just take time. ]

But at the same time you'll never have him to yourself and only to yourself. [ It's the same for him too. ] Superman belongs to the world, then to Metropolis.

Everyone else, including those he loves most, come only third place.


[action] presspasskey July 19 2011, 04:55:11 UTC
Apparently your Lois must have a different family from mine, if you even need to ask if I understand what that means.

[Lois always swore she'd never do what her mother did--falling in love with a guy whose first focus would always take him away from her.

Then again, her dad's never been one to really care particularly about home life; Clark never struck her that way, not with the family he grew up in.

Still, she rolls her eyes.] Do you think just because he hasn't worn primary colors for a year or so back home that I haven't already felt it? The broken dates, the lame excuses--I'm the one he talks to, I know better than anyone on the planet that the Blur belongs to the world.

But he's Clark--and, by the way, he's mine.

[The latter is added without really thinking about it--for all that they'd been having problems just before she arrived here, Lois is still rather fiercely possessive, in her own way ( ... )


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 07:37:44 UTC
[ She never really changes, does she? Clark might be different- more uncertain, a little darker, his eyes less bright, but Lois is entirely the same. The same possessiveness, the same fiery nature... Bruce hides his smirk beneath the distorted light of the glass. ]

If I only talk when I have the right to, I would get very little done.

[ And really, that's why what she says has no effect on him. He knows his own purpose; he knows his own game. Whether or not she likes him isn't important - it's what she can do for Clark. And vice versa, but that's at a lower priority. ]


[action] presspasskey July 19 2011, 13:48:16 UTC
[She changes. She's a little warmer, a little more open, a little more forgiving and gentle in this version than the Lois Bruce is more accustomed to--mostly thanks to getting Kent influence before she'd finished growing up.

But that takes getting inside her defenses to see.

The comment makes her scowl at him--not least because it hits a little close to home.]

I know you and Kara seem to be concerned with what he'll be--but frankly? I'll deal with that fifteen years on down the line, if things work out. I know him now, and I'll deal with him now.

...What's been going on? I mean, things weren't exactly sunshine and flowers and ponies before we got here, but-- I haven't quite seen him in this mood before.


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 14:26:57 UTC
[ Which is a good thing, isn't it? Whenever Bruce looks at Clark he doesn't see who he is- but also who is he supposed to be, who he is can become. Kara herself is the same, seeing the future without seeing the present.

But Lois knows him now. She remembers him as he is, and not another version, set in negative over his form.

He folds his hands. ]

You've been here a couple of days. What have you found out?


[action] presspasskey July 19 2011, 15:07:57 UTC
Well, I've been getting quite the guided tour of the city.

[It's said wryly--Clark has barely left her side, when he hasn't been working on one job or the other. Sooner or later she'll shoo him off, but right now? The unfamiliar territory means she's not going to turn down his familiar presence.]

SERO is basically LuthorCorp, AGI reminds me of this sketchtastic strip club we investigated back just before Mr. Kent got into the state senate race--ask Clark what happened some time, I won't tell you, I think you deserve to see his face turn bright red if he still can't tell that story.

Mostly some local events--getting Clark to talk about himself is like pulling eyeteeth sometime. You know how he gets.


[action] kingofrooks July 19 2011, 15:17:26 UTC
I can make a guess or two.

[ Pause. And he looks at her for a moment- he knows that Clark's mood has a lot to do with him, but it's not all of it. What he does know is- ]

If you want to know the most recent thing: there's a SERO scientist, a Newcomer, who made mindless clones of- someone here, obviously for sexual purposes. [ He takes a breath - it still angers him. ] He killed the clone. On network.

And Clark couldn't do anything about it.

[ It's funny how easy it is to get information out of him about Clark. As long as it's not about him- it's all good. ]

There's also the fact that- the Port is more like Gotham than Metropolis. It is- resistant to symbols of hope. [ He smiles a little dryly. ] He wears the uniform, but he doesn't see himself becoming the person yet.

The companies are the tip of the iceberg.


[action] presspasskey July 21 2011, 15:06:18 UTC
[Lois' lips thin in fury--she may not have heat vision, but her outrage is as passionate and as brightly burning as Clark's was.]

On the network? And he's not being, oh, thrown in jail for murder? Or--god in heaven, how do you even charge for creating a person for sexual enslavement?

[Still, she takes a deep breath and forces herself to refocus--Clark. Clark's mood. That's more important than going off on a personal crusade (and hell, she's going to take out whoever in SERO lets this happen, see if she doesn't try).

The comment about symbols of hope, however, makes Lois sigh.]

He'll see it when he's ready.

The companies are only the start? What else is there?

[Because if he's got all this to deal with, she needs to be ready to help him. Not to mention there's got to be a few good headlines in it.]


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