I'm setting here with a tear in my eye. I had that and lost it when Elmer died and I forgot how much I missed it. That second passage reminds me of just holding him and being the happiest I have ever been or ever will be again. I miss him. Sounds like a great read. Going to have to do a little BN.com search tonight.
I've been seeing romance in the air alot lately. I don't know what it is. Maybe I'm not alone in wanting it or maybe I am just seeing the romance that is always in the currents of the river.
Sounds like a good book. Might have to pick it up after I finally get done reading these two highly sensitive person books that have been on my bookcase forever.
Yeah, that's a....part of the equation I've been thinking about lately. I've been lucky so far in the sex department and I'm very happy with things, y'know? But there's something about touch and intimacy that is real and true and somehow connects somewhere inside.
I've actually gotten to the point where I'm trying not to focus on it anymore and instead just focus on me and doing things I enjoy. If love etc falls into place then alls the better.
Comments 15
I can't recommend the books enough. They're a lot of fun.
Sounds like a good book. Might have to pick it up after I finally get done reading these two highly sensitive person books that have been on my bookcase forever.
Maybe that's something we all want, deep down.
The Dream Catcher rule? Well that's just good sense.
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