Title: Being Generous
aoiryuuClaim: Riku/Rikku
Pairing: Riku/Rikku
Theme Set: Light
Theme: 10. Generosity
Disclaimer: I do not own KH or anything, I'm just a poor writer.
A/N: Kid Riku and Rikku again, because I love them.
Doing good and having generosity can be rewarding.... )
Comments 4
Some of your sentences are run-ons and could be cut so that the flow is easier to read. "Riku looked around for something to do when a giggle came out of nowhere from behind him and there stood a girl, a young blond girl, she looked about 12," is an example. If I were to edit it, I would probably make it look like this:
Riku was looking around for something to do when he heard a giggle. Behind him, he saw a blonde girl of about 12 smiling curiously at him.
Of course, that's one of the many ways you could set that up.
Again, I'm just trying to be helpful. Don't take it as criticism, because it's not! I know some people are sensitive to these kinds of things.
Keep writing! =D
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