Week 46 - Submit!

Dec 07, 2007 18:03

Ahhhhhh here I am with a new theme~~~ For those of you over at anime_medley, you would have just seen this song xD But I really liked it and so we shall use it.

+ You must use the song I provide and nothing else
+ You must have three consecutive words, and they must be legible
- As this song has some lyrics in Italian, you can use the Italian lyrics as well, just tell me what their English equivalent is. The translation is located under the Italian passage (in parentheses) :D
+ You may enter up to two icons
+ Don't post your icon anywhere else or I will see just how good barbecued human really tastes
+ This contest will end Monday December 17th in the evening
- you get a few extra days, just because this was posted on a Friday :D

Yoko Kanno feat. Troy - Velveteen
Seeing you in my tears
In my own reflection
I hear you in the wind that passes through me

Feel you in my hunger
You're haunting my ambition
Beautifully destructive attraction

Climbed to zero G's
Now falling like a rock
Drugged and digitized you inside a dream

Tu sei per me...iaria che respiro
Il mio cibo, cioche osservo
Magico sei tu! e sento che
Sono inamorata di emozioni
Smisurate e infinite ormai!
Vivi, nei miei pensieri.

(You are for me... the air that I breathe
My food, the eyes I see with
You're the magic! And I feel
That I'm in love
Immeasurably and almost infinitely
Live, in my thoughts)

A velveteen equation

I find you in my fears
And in my fascination
I taste you in safe water and it drowns me

Paranoid and peaceful
Inside a sweet addiction
Velvety electrical reaction

Soft insanity
And I can't make it stop
Live hallucinations within a dream

Tu sei per me...iaria che respiro
Il mio cibo, cioche osservo
Magico sei tu! e sento che
Sono inamorata di emozioni
Smisurate e infinite ormai!
Vivi, nei miei pensieri.

A velveteen equation

Magico, questo eun grande amore
Magico, questo eun grande amore

(You are for me... the air that I breathe
My food, the eyes I see with
You're the magic! And I feel
Than I'm in love
Immeasurably and almost infinitely
Live, in my thoughts

A velveteen equation

Magic, this is the great love
Magic, this is the great love)

[ Sendspace Link ]

+ KH2.CO.UK -- only one of THE best out there.
+ KH Gallery at Anime Paperse. I think you need to have an account to view them? I'm not sure, I don't remember... but you can't download the uber high-res unless you have lots of 'papers', but the smaller ones are pretty good
+ KH Gallery at Aethereality
Also, if you want screen caps, go to places like cap_it or KH VIDS and cap it for yourself :O it's always good to have caps also~

don't forget to vote for week 45!

submission, week 46

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