Week 31

Feb 08, 2007 14:24

(Deeeeeep breath) I was gonna have this up last night, but something happened with my roommate so I was out for a few hours and then had homework... DEMO SA. HERE WE ARE.

+ You must use the song I provide and nothing else
+ You must have three consecutive words, and they must be legible
+ You don't have to use the picture I provided, but you're welcome to
+ You may enter up to two icons
+ Don't post your icon anywhere else or I will see just how good barbequed human really tates
+ This contest will end Saturday, Febuary 17th (I'm on the train most of Friday, so xD)

DJ Satomi - Castle in the Sky
There’s a place in my mind
No one knows where it hides
And my fantasy is flying
It’s a castle in the sky

It’s a world of our past
Where the legend still lasts
And the king wears the crown
But the magic spell is law

Take your sword and your shield
There’s a battle on the field
You’re a knight and you’re right
So with dragons now you’ll fight

And my fancy is flying
It’s a castle in the sky
Or there’s nothing out there
These are castles in the air

Fairytales live in me
Fables coming from my memory
Fantasy is not a crime
Find your castle in the sky

You’ve got the key
Of the kingdom of the clouds
Open the door
Leaving back your doubts

You’ve got the power
To live another childhood
So ride the wind
That leads you to the moon 'cause...

[ The Picture :.X.: The Song ]

EDIT: Picture is up now~!

:D Let's try to get back on track~~~

week 31, submission

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