Week 132, submission

Feb 16, 2010 00:49

+You must use the song I provide and nothing else
+You must have three consecutive words, and they must be legible
+You may enter up to two icons
+Icons must adhere to LJ's rules! Under 40kb and no more than 100x100 pixels
+Don't post your icon anywhere else or the clowns wolves will eat you.
+This contest will end Monday, February 22nd @ 10:00 PST.

Lover's Wreck by Gaelic Storm

A hundred days at sea, a retch away from misery
Rummies and rats and tarry jacks my on family
The island of salvation is still a scream away
As the lungs of the night blow out the light my heart kneels down to pray

Oh Lord why did you take her? She meant so much to me
Now I'm a wretched soul on a privateer, drowning out at sea
I'm killing and I'm drinking my blue heart to black
But I swear, oh Lord, I'll never sin again if you bring her back

Gypsy was a siren, dripping with desire
Her moonless hair and skin so fair as warm as frozen fire
She had the loyalty of a cat, behind those pale green eyes
through her cherry lips the devil slipped a thousand lies

A clan of rogues and vagabonds occupied her head
That thieving band took her pale white hand and stole her from my bed
And like a ghost ship in the night, she drifted out once more
To land upon the sand of another lover's shore

Oh Lord why did you take her? She meant so much to me
Now I'm a wretched soul on a privateer, drowning out at sea
I'm killing and I'm drinking my blue heart to black
But I swear, oh Lord, I'll never sin again if you bring her back

In my sleeping mind she sings a sad and lonely lullabye
When I wake there's just the ache it will haunt me till I die
When those winds of vanity no longer blow her west
I pray they'll guide her home ad put my heart to rest

Press gang filled this Man-o-War to make the black mouthed cannon roar
Now all my trade is ball and blade and blood forever more
The sting of salt and spray, the ocean's howl and squall
A stumbling wreck, I roam the deck, at the devil's beck and call, at the devil's beck and call

Oh Lord why did you take her? She meant so much to me
Now I'm a wretched soul on a privateer, drowning out at sea
I'm killing and I'm drinking my blue heart to black
But I swear, oh Lord, I'll never sin again if you bring her back

[ Listen to the song! ]

+ KH2.CO.UK -- only one of THE best out there.
+ KH Gallery at Anime Papers. I think you need to have an account to view them? I'm not sure, I don't remember... but you can't download the uber high-res unless you have lots of 'papers', but the smaller ones are pretty good
+ KH Gallery at Aethereality
Also, if you want screen caps, go to places like cap_it or KH VIDS and cap it for yourself :O it's always good to have caps also~
+ Shatter Heart (appears to be closed until March 1st)

week 132, submission

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