a stylistic drabble

Jul 11, 2011 01:01

Because I know a challenge when I see one.

Title: Appropriate Usage
Fandom: American pedant RPF
Pairing: Strunk/White
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None needed
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Although Strunk and White were real people, this is complete nonsense that doesn't remotely claim to be true.
Summary: The power of language.
Notes: This is every bit as silly as you'd expect for a drabble inspired by a cartoon. Don't blame me, blame XKCD.

"Oh, your cock," moaned Strunk. "Your big, beautiful, hard cock. I love feeling you thrust inside me, so slowly, so masterfully, so ardently and attentively -"

"Oxford comma!" cried White. It had long been their safeword. "How could you do that to me? You know how I feel about adjectives and adverbs."

"I'm awfully sorry, my dear." Strunk held White until his horrified shuddering ceased. "I got carried away. Let me make it up to you." He whispered in White's ear. "I want you. You're the only man whom I've ever wanted."

"Perfect," White murmured. "Talk to me just like that."

Crossposted at Dreamwidth (
comments); you can comment here or there.

fic: 2011, fic: drabbles, fic: strunk and white

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