pairings meme

Mar 06, 2010 00:38

A fun pairings meme, grabbed from stunt_muppet.Comment with a pairing that I ship and I'll tell you:

1. When I started shipping them
2. What I think their challenge is
3. What makes me happy about them
4. What makes me sad about them
5. What moment I wish had never happened
6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
7. My happily ever after for them
And just in case you haven't memorized my shipping preferences, below the cut is a (necessarily incomplete) list of my ships. You're not limited to asking about the ones on the list, although obviously it helps if it is actually a pairing I ship. Questions about my newer fandoms (e.g. Discworld, Hornblower) are especially welcome.

Aubrey and Maturin: Jack/Stephen
Bas Lag: Tanner Sack/Shekel, Uther Doul/Brucolac
Blake's 7: Avon/Blake
Buffyverse: Giles/Oz, Giles/Ethan, Wesley/Gunn
CSI: Nick/Warrick
Dalziel and Pascoe novels: Wield/Pascoe, Wield/Digweed
Discworld: Vetinari/Drumknott, Vetinari/Vimes
Doctor Who: Two/Jamie, Three/Delgado!Master, Three/Yates, Four/Adric, Eight/Fitz, Nine/Jack, Ten/Jack, Ten/Simm!Master
Due South: Fraser/Kowalski
Harry Potter: Remus/Sirius, Harry/Snape to an extent (yes, I know)
Hellblazer: John/Chas
Hornblower bookverse: Hornblower/Bush
Hornblower TV-verse: Hornblower/Bush, Hornblower/Pellew
Hot Fuzz: Nicholas/Danny
Hyperdrive: Henderson/York
Lord Peter Wimsey: Wimsey/Bunter
Mary Renault: Laurie/Ralph, Nikeratos/Thettalos
Philip Marlowe novels: Marlowe/Terry Lennox
Points: Rathe/Eslingen
Rome: Pullo/Vorenus
Shakespeare: Hamlet/Horatio, Antonio/Bassanio (MoV), other Antonio/Sebastian (TN)
Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson
Star Trek TOS: Kirk/Spock(/McCoy)
X-Men movieverse: Xavier/Magneto, Scott/Logan(/Jean)

Yes, there are all male/male slash, apart from the possible inclusion of Jean Gray with Scott/Logan. There are f/f and het pairings I like (generally but not always canonical ones) but I wouldn't say I ship any of them in the way I ship what I've listed.

Crossposted at Dreamwidth; you can comment here or there.


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