shipping meme answers

Jan 08, 2010 00:54

Here are my answers so far to the "name a character and I'll tell you about my 'ships for them" meme, which is here. But feel free to ask me more! I enjoy these memes and there are tons of characters that I'd love to talk about.

biichan asked for ( Jamie McCrimmon from Doctor Who )

fandom: torchwood, fandom: star trek, fandom: blake's 7, fandom: doctor who, memes

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Comments 14

van January 8 2010, 07:15:32 UTC
I'm surprised you didn't mention Carnell/Travis, since that seems to be a sort of popular crack pairing, either was one you don't see but everyone else does, or a crack one.

Fun meme. I've wondered about reading the Outlander series because of the Jamie connection and ultimately dismissed it because I'd be disappointed that it wasn't Jamie. Do you think I'd like it?

Yay for a tiny Kirk/McCoy, though I agree on the OT3ness as well.


kindkit January 8 2010, 22:22:00 UTC
I didn't realize Carnell/Travis was that popular, I guess.

Jamie Fraser in the Outlander series is very much not Jamie McCrimmon; despite Gabaldon's inspiration, about all they've got in common is a name, a time period, and a kilt. The Outlander series books are basically historical (het) romances with a supernatural/time travel element thrown in. I enjoyed the first book in some ways, because it's an interesting story pretty well told, but then later books just kind of dragged on and on and I got sick of them. Lord John Grey doesn't even appear until the second book, and he's never a major character, although he does later get his own series. If you're primarily interested in the m/m slashy element, be warned that there's not a whole lot of it, what there is isn't all that fun (Jamie emphatically does not return John's feelings) and there are aspects to the books that I think are kind of homophobic. There's also, in the first book, a disturbing scene of male/male rape.


biichan January 8 2010, 07:28:24 UTC
I find their dynamic sibling-y, with Jamie as the protective older brother

I mostly see them as sibling-y too (and ship Victoria more with AU!not-dead!Kemel, stuck-in-1969!Martha, and Zoe, AUishly) but at the same time I sort of see Jamie as pretending he's in love with her, because she's a much more suitable person for him to be in love with than the Doctor, what with being a human female and all.

Jack/Kirk would be kind of hilarious.



kindkit January 8 2010, 22:27:13 UTC
I sort of see Jamie as pretending he's in love with her

I like your thinking! I could see Jamie even fooling himself about that, for a while (and realizing the truth at some point during "The Wheel in Space," because at the start he's all mad at the Doctor for letting Victoria go, and then by the end he's tells Zoe she can't come with them because, basically, he wants to be alone with the Doctor).


st_aurafina January 8 2010, 07:32:02 UTC
(especially since Jamie McCrimmon was supposedly one of Gabaldon's inspirations in creating Jamie Fraser,

Wait, what? WHAT?

That cracking noise? That's my brain exploding. I just... I can't not see that now.

Stefan just needs to get over his damn Issues and make a move. I am trying to write a John/Stephan fic, but it goes around and around itself being frightfully polite and never gets anywhere. Then I go and read all the Stephan bits in the books, and get all convinced that this time it's going to happen. But it doesn't. One them needs to stick their hand down the other's pants ( ... )


kindkit January 8 2010, 22:32:24 UTC
I don't think there's much resemblance, in the end, between Jamie Fraser and Jamie McCrimmon, but it's still brain-explodey.

Jack/Eight - I don't know, Jack would walk all over him, and that would bring out the bitchy side of Eight.

That's why I think it has to happen while Jack is stranded on earth and has no idea if he'll ever see his Doctor again. At that point, I think Jack is as vulnerable as he'll ever be. Still, it's no coincidence that the one time I wrote a story about them, Jack had shellshock and couldn't remember who he was.


sallymn January 8 2010, 09:05:04 UTC
The evil twin inside my head wasn't to give to Gan...

But I'll ask you about Vila instead :)


lady_twatterby January 8 2010, 10:09:18 UTC
I don't see Jack/Gwen, either, really.

Heeheehee, I'm going to ask you about Lord Vetinari's ships :D


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