Discworld drabble, "Until Dawn" (Vetinari/Drumknott)

Dec 06, 2009 21:10

Title: Until Dawn
Fandom: Discworld
Pairing: Vetinari/Drumknott
Rating: All ages
Warnings: None needed
Summary: A quiet Hogswatch eve.
Word count: 100
Notes: Written for lady_twatterby in thanks for the beautiful icon that she made for me from her illustrations of my story Midwinter. This drabble is related to "Midwinter" (set after that story ends) but can be read as a standalone.

Through the half-closed shutters, Vetinari can see the edge of the rising moon. The city is, from this angle, invisible. It's silent, too, so late on Hogswatch eve.

Rufus stirs beside him and mutters in his sleep. His arm is flung over Vetinari's chest with gentle, unconscious possessiveness. Vetinari rolls towards him, shutting out even the moon. Rufus's hair smells sweet and his body is warm.

This is the longest night of the year. Vetinari means to spend it all here in this bed. He won't get up and work. He will let time pass unmeasured, and almost slow enough.


fic: drabbles, fic: 2009, fic: discworld

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