X-Men movieverse drabble: "Afraid of All My Sorrows"

Sep 17, 2009 00:19

Title: Afraid of All My Sorrows
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Scott Summers
Rating: All ages
Warnings: None needed
Spoilers: Set between X-2 and X-3 and includes major X-2 spoilers.
Word count: 100
Summary: Questions without answers.
Notes: Written to likeadeuce's prompt "guidance." Title from the book of Job in the King James version; I looked for a Jewish translation but couldn't find one online.

Scott's ruby-lensed glasses are the only color in the cell. Erik has seen starving men bleed from the eyes, red onto gray uniforms. He puts the memory away.

"How do I live without her?" Scott asks.

The children always went to Charles when they needed hope. To Erik, they brought the griefs hope wouldn't touch.

"I don't know," Erik says, as he said then. "But you must."

"I can't." Scott shakes, hands clenching, but he doesn't cry.

My son, Erik thinks. As Jean was Charles's daughter. He holds Scott in his arms, wishing he could weep, to teach Scott how.


fic: drabbles, fic: 2009, fic: x-men

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