This has nothing to do with the ficlet project; instead, I wrote it up for a challenge at the discoveredinalj Pros community. The challenge, fitting for November, was to write about those killed in war, official or unofficial
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I liked this. Of course, I would -- someone ought to examine CI5 critically, and it's got to be fandom because it's sure not going to be the show. So, thanks.
To my surprise, the folks at discoveredinalj have been very positive. I really wasn't sure how this kind of criticism of CI5 would go over. Not that "both sides see themselves as the good guys" is really very cogent as political criticism, but it's a start.
In the ficlet I was deliberately unexplicit about the politics (partly because I couldn't give the character much of a personality without giving away the twist at the end), but, well, there's a critique of British colonialism happening. Heh.
I actually wanted people reading it to think, at first, that it was either Bodie or Doyle. But of course I'd forgotten about the fandom convention that you list your characters in the header. Anyway, glad it worked for you!
Comments 10
Anyway, glad you liked it!
In the ficlet I was deliberately unexplicit about the politics (partly because I couldn't give the character much of a personality without giving away the twist at the end), but, well, there's a critique of British colonialism happening. Heh.
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