about the daily ficlet

May 01, 2007 09:49

My last post seems to have inspired some confusion, so I want to explain how I'm organizing my "daily ficlet" project. In case you want to play along at home, you know.

I'm taking one request a day--fandom, pairing or character(s), and a brief prompt. The most I can commit to writing is 100 words (although in practice, the ficlets are often turning out much longer) so please bear that in mind if you give me a prompt--try not to make it too elaborate.

In order not to post twice a day, I've been taking the new request at the time I post each ficlet. Whatever request comes in first is the one I'll write.

I hope that system doesn't seem like a contest, or like I'm trying to force people to comment on the ficlets. (If the posted ficlet is in a fandom you don't know, or is about characters you don't care about, or whatever, please don't feel you need to comment on it before making a request.) I just can't think of any other simple and fair way to organize things. While setting up a list and just writing one a day might work for some people, I know that having a backlog of obligations would make me anxious. And this exercise is about getting over writing anxiety, not making more of it.

Here's the list of fandoms I'm willing to write in. It's a large-ish one, as I'm thinking of these ficlets as experiments.

TV: BtVS/AtS, CSI, BSG, Rome, Dresden Files (show only, not books)

Comics: X-Men (movieverse, Ultimateverse, 616 to a limited extent), Hellblazer, new X-Factor, the Authority through "Earth Inferno," Cable & Deadpool, Top Ten (plus The Forty-Niners and Smax), Watchmen, Sandman

Books: Harry Potter, Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey and Maturin novels, Mary Renault's novels, Katherine Kurtz's Deryni novels, China Mieville's Bas Lag novels, Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett's Pointsman novels, Reginald Hill's Dalziel and Pascoe novels; Shakespeare, Milton, Austen, and other English lit biggies. Plus a lot of others I can't think of offhand, so try me.

Movies: Talented Mr. Ripley, Brokeback Mountain, Lawrence of Arabia, Dark Harbor, tons of others. As with books, try me. If I can't/don't want to write it, I'll let you know.

ETA (June 2, 2007): I'm eliminating the "daily" aspect of this project. I'll try to get something written within a day, but I can't guarantee it.

I hope this clarifies everything. And thanks to everyone who's made a request. Because I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing regularly, the daily ficlet project is important to me. And I literally couldn't do it without you guys. Thanks to your prompts, I've had story ideas that would never have occurred to me otherwise. Plus, it's fun.


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