Hello there. I just stumbled on to this community, can't even remember what I was searching for, and it seems to be just the place for a couple of my fics that need a community home, not just FFnet
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There's still a few of us young Snape fans around here on Livejournal.
BTW, the name of this LJ Community "Kinda Lush" was taken from something that the RL actor who played Teen Snape (Alec Hopkins, who is pictured in my LJ user icon) once said in a MySpace conversation. He was asked some questions by some of his MySpace friends about being cast as Young Snape in the fifth Harry Potter film. Later, he spent a few days hanging with Alan Rickman, learning Snape's mannerisms and attitude. Alec said that the experience was "kinda lush."
You can read more about the young Mr. Hopkins in this post (it even has photos). Wow, he must be around 25 now. How time flies. :)
*waves back and offers a cup of tea* Nice to know. I am a Snape fan all time frames, and it is nice to see some place devoted to his younger years. A place where we can create our own cannon Thanks for letting me know how the name came into being. I do like little trivia things like that. Curiosity, can you post a story that ranges from before cannon time, through cannon time, and then after cannon time?
*tips head* Did you read it? Not being pushy at all, just that whole write uncertainty about their own work... ^-^
Hi again. Sorry, but I don't check my email much so I tend to miss LJ comments. I'm sort of out of Potter fandom, but I've kept a few LJ Potter communities on my Friends list, just for old times sake.
I'm not sure who runs this Snape community -- check the LJ info for "Kindalush" and send the community owner a LJ PM (private message). I really don't think it matters much though since not many people tend to be around here much any more.
LJ has been pretty quiet lately. You might poke around on Tumblr -- a lot of fans from LJ seem to have gone over to Tumblr and Dreamwidth, so LJ is sort of dead for fandom stuff these days. There has been a slight resurgence amongst some of the older Potter fans here on LJ, but sadly it won't ever be the same as it was ten years ago. :(
Comments 4
There's still a few of us young Snape fans around here on Livejournal.
BTW, the name of this LJ Community "Kinda Lush" was taken from something that the RL actor who played Teen Snape (Alec Hopkins, who is pictured in my LJ user icon) once said in a MySpace conversation. He was asked some questions by some of his MySpace friends about being cast as Young Snape in the fifth Harry Potter film. Later, he spent a few days hanging with Alan Rickman, learning Snape's mannerisms and attitude. Alec said that the experience was "kinda lush."
You can read more about the young Mr. Hopkins in this post (it even has photos). Wow, he must be around 25 now. How time flies. :)
*tips head* Did you read it? Not being pushy at all, just that whole write uncertainty about their own work... ^-^
Have a good morning.
I'm not sure who runs this Snape community -- check the LJ info for "Kindalush" and send the community owner a LJ PM (private message). I really don't think it matters much though since not many people tend to be around here much any more.
LJ has been pretty quiet lately. You might poke around on Tumblr -- a lot of fans from LJ seem to have gone over to Tumblr and Dreamwidth, so LJ is sort of dead for fandom stuff these days. There has been a slight resurgence amongst some of the older Potter fans here on LJ, but sadly it won't ever be the same as it was ten years ago. :(
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