Une Histoire d'Amour de Chat 8/?

Mar 04, 2013 16:43

Title: Une Histoire d’Amour de Chat

Pairings: Yusuf/Ariadne, Eames/Arthur

Summary: In which Eames loves Arthur, no matter what form he is in… or in which cat!Arthur acquires a stalker that goes by the name of Eames and Yusuf seems to be the only person who cares.

Note: The story turned out to be way different from what I had in mind, such as in the summary. However, I’m too lazy to fix the summary so whatever.

Also, I’m sorry for procrastinating for so long.

Warnings: Fluff, magical potions in a world of science, a little bit of bestiality, and Eames is a shameless pervert and an opportunist…


Chapter 8
It was an accident!

Yusuf can even cross his heart and hope to die on this account.

Like really, how was he supposed to know that Arthur was going to be right underneath his suspiciously, bubbling concoction when he bumped into it?

Truth be told, he shouldn’t have been experimenting inside the apartment since the last time he blew up the office, but still…

Anyway, the point is that it is an accident.

The green gunk that could’ve been straight out of a Harry Potter book had turned his precious baby into a human!

Well, if he wasn’t comforting a naked man and being chewed out by his girlfriend right now, he would’ve been congratulating himself on this achievement. He could’ve won awards with what he just did.

“Oh give him here, Yusuf. Honestly, look at him. The sweetheart is scared half to death!” Snatching the trembling man into her arms, she pets the gunk filled curls into submission and rock him from side to side.

Yusuf would’ve been jealous at the sight if he hadn’t known that the poor, shivering mess is Arthur.

“You’re so lucky that Eames isn’t here right now,” that jerks him back to earth with a massive case of shivers.

Eames is currently on his daily escapades of treasure hunting to woo Arthur with. If he had been here, he would’ve tore Yusuf a new one just on principles alone.

Literally, of course.

Apparently, his breakdown had taken way longer than he had expected because the next thing he saw is Ariadne toweling a now clothed Arthur from a recent shower.

Huh, Arthur makes a surprisingly handsome man what with his cupid bow lips, dark curls and all that.

If he hadn’t been so sure of his sexuality, he might’ve been attracted to those slender limbs and lean muscles.

This is nothing but pure appreciation, of course. No homosexual thoughts, whatsoever.

Wait a minute…

Narrowing his eyes, Yusuf leans in closer, “Those aren’t my clothes. Where did you get those to put on him?”

Ariadne merely shrugs, “They’re Robert’s. Thank god, I still have them because Arthur simply looks delicious with them on. Don’t you think so, Yusuf?”

Yusuf didn’t bother to reply. He’s too busy trying to send curses to Ariadne’s ex, Robert Fischer. The damn bastard is not only rich, but also handsome and charismatic in ways that Yusuf is not.

Sure, he knows that Ariadne loves him but what’s the meaning of her keeping the bastard’s damn clothes! Those two had broken up a whole year way before Yusuf had finally got the courage to ask her out.

Arthur doesn’t seem to mind his new outfit, which consists of beige slacks and a white dress shirt. In fact, he seems to love it if rubbing his face into the sleeves in wonder says anything at all.

Great, even Arthur seems to have a thing for Robert now.

Hearing scratching from the living room’s window, Yusuf couldn’t help but to stiffen up in fear as he turns towards the source.

Eames is back.

The mentioned cat pauses on the window sill at the sight of the stranger, with a dead and bleeding squirrel hanging from his mouth.

Arthur, in turn, stares back with a frown on his lips. The look in his eyes practically screams disapproving as he turns his gaze to the bloody mess staining the rug.

Oblivious to the strange tension in the room, Ariadne coos at the orange monstrosity, “Oooh, Eames. Darling, look! This is Arthur. Can you recognize him?”

Dropping his prize, Eames moves closer and sniffs at the stiff man. Having come to a conclusion, Eames turns to glower at Yusuf as if everything is his fault. Which admittedly it is, but what the hell?

Satisfied with the identity of the strange man, Eames proceeded to do what Eames normally does.

He went straight ahead and rubs his head on Arthur’s crotch with a rumbling purr.

The dead squirrel that struck Eames and stains Arthur’s pant is not an accident at all.


This is a bad chapter, but I wrote this in thirty minutes trying to put everything down before my writer’s block tries to get in the way again.

It’s not perfect, but I hope you like it.

pairings: yusuf/ariadne, inception, pairings: eames/arthur

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