
Oct 24, 2012 21:59

WTF was that?

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Comments 19

ficwriter1966 October 25 2012, 02:00:28 UTC
I've been asking myself the same question. So are most of the people over at the spn_party thread. (The only thing it seems to have been good for over there is the snark and the Teen Wolf comparisons.)

That's some big-time suckage, Show. Way to go.


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 02:06:38 UTC
For an episode not at all about the boys - except at then end, when we were 2X4'd into realizing, "OMG, it's totally about the boys..." - I could have totally done without it.


ficwriter1966 October 25 2012, 02:11:30 UTC
I didn't make it to...anywhere near the end. I turned it off at 9:20 because my blood pressure was doing angry things.


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 02:13:58 UTC
What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment...and if I'm going to bitch, I want the full rev up. :)


lemmypie October 25 2012, 02:04:58 UTC
A vacation


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 02:07:29 UTC
I would have rather seen footage that the J's shot on those vacations, and I don't even like RPF.


ficwriter1966 October 25 2012, 02:10:40 UTC
I'm pretty sure Misha has home movies that are WAY more interesting than this episode.


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 02:11:59 UTC
Knowing Misha, I probably DON'T want to see those...


quellefromage October 25 2012, 02:13:15 UTC
okay, my regular ennuire: SPN has morphed into hate. What a boring, pretentious, derivative piece of crap. This is what happens when you kill off all the supporting characters. When the boys want to take a break, you have to come up with something like this. For the love of god, next time just give us a clip show...sheesh.


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 02:15:58 UTC
Yeah, I failed to see the merit in it - even as an experiment. Show a rerun (preferably from seasons 1-3) or something instead.

Are we supposed to believe that chick sat there for a couple hours with atwo dead bodies and EDITED A VIDEO? What the fuck ever.


onelittlesleep October 25 2012, 20:42:17 UTC
Ahaha, omg wtf was the episode about? Im trying to cobble together a storyline based on angry, nondescriptive comments but can't quite figure it out. So far I got: a sympathetic werewolf. Literary allusions to Lord Of The Flies?? Crappy independent movie-making. No sam and dean??


kimonkey7 October 25 2012, 21:59:02 UTC
Dude. I was so pissed about the weaving in of LotF. I fucking love that book, and this ep was, like, the example of how NOT to reference literature with your crappy pop-culture. *seethes*


quellefromage October 25 2012, 02:29:14 UTC
It was beyond stupid. The extra angles drove me crazy...who the hell was supposed to be shooting that extra stuff? Idiotic. I am tres disappointed in SPN. That director must never return. Also, who wrote this crap?


percysowner October 25 2012, 03:33:57 UTC
Robbie Thompson, who did some good work last season, Slash Fiction and Time after Time. I spent the last 20 minutes dodging the Sam is evil like Brian and Dean is just a victim anvils. If it had been an episode in an anthology, I might have liked it, but wow. At least I was mentally prepared. One of the times being spoiled is good.


el1ie October 25 2012, 14:27:28 UTC
It was Supernatural Kim, but not as we know it, and it's worse than that, it's dead Kim.

Oh, sorry, wrong show..


kimonkey7 October 26 2012, 11:37:46 UTC

I'm just going to pessimistically call that ep the 'Bugs' of season 8 and hope they can't do worse. Because if they do worse than that? I may not have the stomach to cling to hope...


el1ie October 26 2012, 13:29:58 UTC
I'm finding this season really, really hard going. I'm reading all the theories and the meta and I can see where the writers of show summaries and so forth are getting all that information from, but honestly I'm not really SEEING it on screen. Why is it so hard?

Actually I long for the days of Bugs, at least then, despite their arguments and differences (ok, and the lousy plot which we won't talk about right now ok?) the characters on screen felt something for each other and that made me care about them. This year, it's all so cold and clinical - I suppose it's been heading that way for a while and I've been in deep denial or something.

I'm very, very sad about it all and it doesn't help that right now it's kind of reflecting the exact split I had with my own sister and it's all getting far too personal and muddled up. I miss my show though and I miss feeling good about the brothers, this shit is too much for me.


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