State of the Monkeys Address

Aug 06, 2008 16:06

So, I know some of you have been asking. I'll do my best to empart what knowledge I have of my personal plans.

On the job front:

Well, the July resignation turned into July 15th. Then July 31st. Finally August 15th. I got duped into staying through the end of the summer semester to help people make the transition with my departure. In the mean time ( Read more... )

state of the monkeys, fic, fangirls, rl, writing, work

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Comments 51

iamstealthyone August 7 2008, 00:14:07 UTC
I'm also unspoiled for the season premier. Well, except for the part where Dean and Sam are turned into giant bunny rabbits and hitchhop to Bobby's place. I heard there's orange-tinged, carrot-scented puke involved. Should be interesting.


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 00:16:24 UTC
You're encouragable.



iamstealthyone August 7 2008, 00:21:03 UTC
You're encouragable.

I think I'm adorable.

P.S. It takes bunny!Sam and bunny!Dean freakin' forever to get to Bobby's, because bunny!Dean keeps trying to breed every stray rabbit they see. Bunny!Sam is extremely concerned about how many little!Deans might end up hopping around the country because of this.


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 00:51:55 UTC
Dude, you are sooooooooo writing this story yourself. *grins* Because you do the transmogrification crack so well.

*looks over your laptoppy shoulder*

Oh, yeah...*points*...I see you've started the outline.

*giggles madly and runs into bunny hutch away*


lemmypie August 7 2008, 00:21:52 UTC
*runs in circles waving hands wildly in the air!!!* THE MONKEY IS BACK!!!! WOOT THE MONKEY IS BACK!!!!! Oh how I have missed stalking your LJ and cluttering it with stupid nonsense!!!
I could have done that with past posts but what fun is that? NONE I tell you NONE!
I seemed to have gone underground with you.... Or because the monkeys was not playing on the LJ's I was not interested in what the LJ's had to say. Yes that must be it.
But you are back and now I can be annoying again!!!!

*sniffs armpit* I'm TOTALY SPOILED!!! HEHEHEHEH!


quellefromage August 7 2008, 00:42:48 UTC
Cripes...Monkeys and Lemmys...both back? Teh Internetz is doomed. DOOMED.

Also, you forgot the part where you live in my attic and we open a baconteria. Bacontorium. Baconery.

anyway, we open something DELICIOUS.

Be sure to put that on your calendar.

PS. Yes, I am a cheaterpants, but in all fairness, I could well have FORGOTTEN Clover's name. My brain is like that. Clean slate, every few hours.



kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:03:10 UTC

Also? You has the GENIOUS. I like Bacontorium best, because it sounds almost...scientific. Bacon SCIENTISTS. Working on bacon BREAK-THROUGHS. Like, taking bacon to the next level.

*points at you*

The problems with me living in your attic are:

The rent is really steep.
William will stomp around complaining of a 'fangirly, bacony odor'.
Your children might return.
I might never leave.
No, really. I might never leave.
At all.
And we would both weight 300lbs on account of constantly making pie. And bacon. And bacon pie.


Bacon pie...



quellefromage August 7 2008, 02:02:56 UTC
newest thing on the menu...

buttermilk pie with blackberry sauce....

and bacon.

also, William schmilliam.

The childrens hardly ever returns at the same time. and, what's wrong with 300 lbs? More to LURVE.


saberivojo August 7 2008, 00:43:09 UTC
Welcome back kimonkey. It is funny you should talk about your impending unemployment because I was re-reading your post regarding teachers and responsiblity and a little plot bunny formed in my two fic head. So thanky much.

See, even when you are not writing or commenting you are sending cosmic LJ internet vibes all over the place. Touching a billionty readers with your funny, poignant and interesting commentary.

So there.

I wish I knew someone to take your kitty. That must be very hard.

Good luck with the auntie thing. You will have a blast.


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:07:55 UTC

Now, how can I use them for EVOL?

*pats Freeze Ray*

Ta for the fic bunny, it's good to hear you're writing again. :) That's always a good thing. *nods* I send you many more cosmic LJ vibes with writey fringe.

The kitty thing is killing me, because I know she's a hard kitty to get to love, but when she bonds? It's the most amazingly wonderful love thing in the world. Like she reads minds. And then fucks with you. :) Out of love.

Yay for the auntie thing. I am hoping they will let me name him. They let me name their fish a couple of years ago, so I figure I have a pretty good chance. ;)


saberivojo August 7 2008, 01:24:20 UTC
Well, I guess as long as it is not "Bubbles".


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:30:04 UTC
Right now, they're calling him RANGER. So there's no way I could worse. Or better. Depending on whether or not anyone out there has named their child Ranger.


One of their fishes got named Racecar Johnson. So, you know, my sister says she and my BIL are CONSIDERING it. But they're not, the filthy liars. They're just stringing me along!

*cries fake tears*


iamzulma August 7 2008, 01:00:53 UTC
*sniffle sniffle* i got your IM. it goes without saying that i am so very sad you will be leaving LA. :(( i'm never making new friends AGAIN! *pout*

i think i can do sunday, but let me confirm for sure on friday, ok. *hugs*


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:10:03 UTC
You will totally make new friends again, BUT THEY WILL NEVER EVER BE AS COOL AND AWESOMELY AWESOME AS ME.


SUnday's cool if you can do it, if you can't that's okay. We'll figure out another day. I won't leave without seeing you. And, can't keep me from leaving by NOT seeing me, sneaky bitch.



iamzulma August 7 2008, 01:15:05 UTC
of course, no one will be as AWESOME as you, especially in SPN fandom! seriously, it's a lot of work to make new friends, man. i'm glad it wasn't that hard with us, although i wish we could have visited more, of course!

OK, let's just do Sunday! i really miss you so ... overland cafe at 10? yes?

(heee, you like my dorky!gale icon??)


kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:20:55 UTC
Overland. 10am. Sounds good.

Is Gale your new booooooyfriiieeeeeend?

You can tell me all about him on Sunday, dorkface. :)


(The comment has been removed)

kimonkey7 August 7 2008, 01:52:51 UTC
There are so many freaking spoilers going around right now, and sides, and episode titles. I've almost been spoiled THREE DIFFERENT TIMES by the poopyheads who are all, 'spoiler-free blahblahFUCKYOU'. *hates them*

O fuk. What I wouldn't give to have a Dean 1525. Mmmm. Turn him on, watch him...load. Um. Let him empty his cache...

There is clearly something very WRONG with me.


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