Jun 19, 2009 08:10
this time tomorrow, i will he headed to MEXICOOOOOOO!
Apr 28, 2009 14:18
i just gave my two weeks notice. it feels really good. there is no going back.
fortunately for me, I have a new job that starts in June.
but i've been so nervous about quitting this nanny gig. *deep breath*
...just two weeks to go!
Dec 18, 2008 21:33
honestly, i was much less productive today than i intended, but there were still some enjoyable aspects...
woke up at 11:05. i never do that. it was pretty sweet.
it was officially my first full day of winter break, and i'm unbelievably relaxed.
confirmed my super stealth plans for travis's birthday.
talked briefly to sara :)
Dec 17, 2008 19:21
I finished my first semester at sfsu today!
I went shopping for clothes (didn't buy anything but it was fun!)
I am conversing with a family who may be my future employers.
Dec 16, 2008 21:37
i studied for the last time tonight. until next semester, that is!
Dec 15, 2008 17:18
not alot of great things happened today... pretty boring overall. BUT
as of 7:15, I will be done with all but one class this semester, so THAT is very satisfying!
Dec 14, 2008 18:10
waking up at 11 a.m. and spending the entire day watching Monk from the very first episode on... :)
Dec 13, 2008 21:09
great things about today:
-amazing food at the holiday party
-seeing my 7 month old cousin and his mommy
-going on a super festive date at the embarcadero
-seeing hundreds of people (literally) dressed up as santa along market street... still don't know what that's about...