Sunrise - Sam/Dean - snapshots!verse

Oct 11, 2010 21:22

Title: Sunrise
Author: kimisgirl
Beta: none
Fandom/Genre: wincest, schmoop, romance, domesticity
Pairing (s): Dean/Sam, Castiel
Rating: G
Word Count: 553
Warnings: Wincest
For my spn_30snapshots table: prompt: Sunrise

Follows hours and Morning

Dean sat quietly beside Castiel as they watched the sunrise over the fields of golden wheat and green grass spread out in the valley below. Castiel had brought him here on Dean’s request, Sam still at home happily curled up in bed. It had been only a month since they’d decided to stop hunting full time and settle down. They bought a small farm cottage close too Bobby’s, Bobby had helped them out with the deposit as their days of credit card fraud were over. At Sam’s insistence and of course Dean was incapable of saying no to his brother come lover these days. Not that he was ever that good at it to begin with.

Point was, Dean had asked Cas to bring him here for a reason. He had a favour to ask of the angel, and for the first time in a long time Dean was slightly nervous about talking to Castiel about this. This was sort of... big. Bigger than the whole, ‘oh by the way Cas, I’m fucking my baby brother these days, how are things with you’ conversation he’d had with the angel after him and Sam had finally sorted out their shit and admitted that it was what they both wanted.

So yeah, a little nervous.

“I’m going to ask him to marry me” Dean finally broke the silence, talking to Cas even though his eyes were still on the sunrise. He finally turned his head to the side to glance at Cas when he didn’t get a reply. The angel was staring at him, head tilted and a frown on his face, like he didn’t understand what Dean had just said.

“Why” Cas finally asked and Dean sighed.

“Because... because it’s Sam and because I love him and because I know he still doesn’t believe that he’s the only one I want, that I’m with him for good... he still doesn’t believe he’s... enough. And because he is... he’s everything.”

Castiel was quiet and Dean smiled at him softly before turning to look out at the beauty in front of him. He couldn’t help wishing Sam was here, he’d actually appreciate the view... it was sort of wasted on Dean. Sure it was... nice, but really, it didn’t make him wanna wax poetic or anything.

“I understand” Cas finally said, and Dean glanced at him and nodded.

“Thanks Cas” he replied. Now he had to get the hard question out.

“Will you do it for us?” He asked gruffly, feeling a little more venerable than he was comfortable with.

“Do what?” Cas asked.

“Marry us. It’s um... well it’s not exactly legal for us to get married down here on earth. You’re an angel though, so I figured if an Angel of the Lord is willing to marry us, then that’ll be about as binding as it gets. It will make it real... you know, for Sam.” Dean cleared his throat and looked away.

“Yes, I see, very well Dean, I will do this for you” Castiel said with a small smile and Dean felt relief rush through him.

“Thank you” he said and took Cas’s hand so the angel could fly them back to his place. He had a boyfriend to propose too... and no clue how he was going to go about it.


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sam/dean, challenge table, castiel

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