.::. I GOT 3RD!!! .::.

Nov 03, 2007 22:27

Finally, the 3rd National Korean Speech Contest has come to a close. And I've got 3rd for the competition! Too bad I missed the air-tickets. DARN. But the competition was pretty tough. There were a couple of good speakers whom I think were really, really good. And of course, the length of time they studied is longer than mine. Congratulations to ( Read more... )

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Comments 27

orionsroad November 3 2007, 16:08:04 UTC
Congrats! :D It's great you had a good time, and awesome that you got third! ♥ Cool prize too, even if it does look heavy, hehe.


kimbuibui November 3 2007, 16:17:28 UTC
Hi! *waves* Thanks man! I had fun~

Yeah, it's pretty heavy. :D


anonymous November 3 2007, 16:09:56 UTC
Congrats dude!! HEHE... I take the video until my qiu sng man.

Dont worry abt the air tics, we'll just buy our own tics and go there haha.. oh Ame say you must treat us to dinner heehee :P

I simply love the forever love performance ending... KIMKIM!!!!! *repeats perf*



kimbuibui November 3 2007, 16:24:59 UTC
Thanks man! You can go and join withyoonho already.

Yeah yeah, I know. but we could have gotten the air-tickets for FREE. *niams* Ame? Ask me treat dinner? I'll think about it. XD

Oh yes, JAESU!!!


shiroi244 November 3 2007, 17:30:03 UTC
yes...treat!!!treat!!!ms kim must treat or else i complain to yr MICKY ai ren.ahhahah...then he will scold u for ill-treating his best fren (JUNSU)'s ai ren, me.hahhahaha.

ending good hor...JAESU!!!JAESU!!!they really shld just release single tog without the rest lah..esp micky..why he ja ma ..like lamp post...when jaesu looking at each other.ahahha

my sis damn funny.she nw looking at the horoscope website that ms S gave us...then she so sian cos she only gam w that "UGLY JUNSU"...i quoting her.ahahhaha.faint..my youngest sis is gam w jaehomin.ahahhaha.so my sis envious of my youngest sis.ahhaha.


shiroi244 November 3 2007, 17:31:42 UTC
sorry..nt ugly junsu..
she said ugly xiah.ahhahahah


anonymous November 3 2007, 17:36:07 UTC
Oi Ms Ame, what suddenly looks good.. xiaopang always looks good okay :P

Yah when you come back must pester Kim to give us a treat hehehe... today she shd have treat us to sushi tei lah! wasted..



shiroi244 November 3 2007, 17:44:34 UTC
no leh...uknow really all of sudden become good looking...esp the HAIR>>i love his HAIR>.ahhaha..i tink maybe they change hairstylist.ahhah.or maybe as tohoshinki,the TV dun always film uknow and so me no chance to see uknow upclose bt tis perf,cos uknow got solo part,then focus on him..then realize that he is good looking.faint.ahhah..if jaeho really tog,i tink both of them very good taste in choosing one another cos both are so good looking in the masculine and feminine way.really a balance of ying and yang.ahahhahah.handsome couple!!!ahhaha.

dun worry..i very good at pestering ppl for treat one.ahhah...sushi tei?so cheap..hw cn let her off so easily..ask her treat two places mah..one of them must be the toho chicken place...u been before?bao bao and my sis go there to eat chicken and watch dongbang video?nice or nt?ahahah.


kimbuibui November 3 2007, 23:18:03 UTC
WHAT?! SUSHI TEI CHEAP?! TMD.... You come and treat lar! *niams*

Chicken place arh? Hmmmmmm~ I was thinking of other places. The chicken... okie lar.


shiroi244 November 4 2007, 04:58:27 UTC
got..i treat bao bao before at sushi tei.ahah
or dunno where...
i tink i treat alot of ppl before when i was working.ahahha
i like to give treats one.ahahha.
sushi tei cheap mah..nt cheap meh..

other places?i dun mind...we cn go chicken place for desert.ahahhha.


anonymous November 3 2007, 17:44:48 UTC
Ugly xiah?! Later Kim and Baobao jie jie come after you hahaha..



shiroi244 November 4 2007, 05:00:58 UTC
nt i say one...
junsu is mine tooo..
i wont say him one.ahahha
bt actually,once he becomes mine,i be more strict towards him..
just like towards jj cos i expect alot from my ai ren men one.ahah
jj sing abit no good in the music fair,i hamtam him like dunno what...
i tink u all sure tink i no longer JJ fan..ahahah
i always like tis one..tsuyo also kenna hamtam many times by me.ahahha
no choice..i wan them to succeed..so must be harsh on them
they cnt disappoint me.ahahha.


anonymous November 3 2007, 17:47:26 UTC
oh that bbq cheeken ah? yah, we went with baobao jie jie and chanyi during the opening day i think. nice but damn ex leh! okay, ask kim to give us a treat there when you're back.

pls! you're bias lor, everytime only look at ur ai ren, that's why never pay attention to xiaopang :P but his hair really very nice here hehe


shiroi244 November 4 2007, 05:03:26 UTC
the chicken nice arr?actually i just wan to go and watch dongbang video.ahahhaha

no lah..i nt biased...it is just that among toho,my ai ren stands out the most mah..nt that i only wan to look at him leh bt he really draws my attention away from other members mah cos he too outstanding liao..what to do?hahahaha...i tink he knows he shld give other members a chance too..so he never perform well in music fair so that i cn look at uknow and the rest.ahhha..uknow..uknow...i really curious nw who is the person doing uknow's hair...suddenly so nice...that person very good taste.ahahhaha.scarely its my ai ren give idea one cos he must be complaining to uknow that uknow hair alwsys very ugly..hahahaha.


anonymous November 4 2007, 10:50:50 UTC
You nuts?? go there just to see their video?! you watch the all about dvd can liao *faints*

i pity ur ai ren... he must be crying at one corner, cos always kena hantam by you. eh! xiaopang's hair always very nice ok! *takes pillow and whack you* hahaha... you sure kena whacked by us when we watch the dvd together :P



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