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Comments 7

bleodswean July 31 2015, 19:31:17 UTC
I have LOVED your art month! Thanks for letting me take a peek!

This image is just wonderful!!


againstathorn July 31 2015, 20:30:36 UTC
I second this. ;)


bleodswean July 31 2015, 20:53:54 UTC
Can I do September??


daphnep July 31 2015, 21:12:46 UTC
Can I friend you, if you do?

Anyone know if anybody's claimed August, cuz I want to friend them, too.


daphnep July 31 2015, 21:12:10 UTC
We did some long-exposure photography (with spotlighting) of our buildings and gardens, at work. It was fascinating to work with the crew on images like that, on a huge scale...and really interesting photos, with leaves of trees blowing, etc.

It's been a great month--I'm so glad you picked up the gauntlet! You did great. (And now you'll get that rushing sense of relief that comes with turning the calendar page, after all of that thinking about art.) :D


kilobot8 August 1 2015, 17:39:50 UTC
It's almost like a habit now, to make a post. They say, what, 21 days to form a habit?


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