Death Note - Matt/Mello - Plates of a car

Apr 19, 2016 14:49

Title: Plates of a car
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: Matt, Mello
Wordcount: 313
Rating: PG
Challenge: comment_fic: I told you I was good to drive - Dumbass I drove... you sat in the passengers seat and steered with a paper plate for tigriswolf

Mello doesn’t even look up as the door to the bedroom opens and his roommate shuffles into the living room. Matt groans and lowers his goggles as to shield his eyes from the broad sunlight that falls through the windows.

“God, what time is it?” he asks.

“5:30”, Mello answers, still devouring his chocolate and watching TV. “PM,” he adds, just to be sure.

“Damn …” Matt mutters, scratches his head and throws himself onto the couch next to Mello. “What a night.”

Mello wrinkles his nose and moves away from his roommate. “Yeah, I can still smell it on you.”

Unimpressed Matt lights a cigarette, inhales and exhales a few times, then suddenly gasps as in shock, jumps up and runs to the window. “My car?!”

“Chill out! Everything’s just fine,” Mello says and rolls his eyes.

Matt presses his nose against the window and looks down. And indeed, his car is at its usual space. He breathes a sigh of relief and leans back, grinning widely. “See, I knew I was good to drive.”

Mello huffs and looks over his shoulder to his friend. “Don’t be ridiculous, I picked you up yesterday. I drove, dumbass.”

“Y-You? But I remember driving …”

“YOU sat in the passenger’s seat, made dumb noises and steered with a paper plate,” Mello grins, taking another bite of his chocolate.

“Come on, don’t fuck with me. I’d never do something this -“

But before Matt can even finish the sentence, something that looks like a Frisbee comes aflying. He catches it swiftly and moves his goggles to take a look. It is indeed a white paper plate and something that resembles the steering wheel of his car is drawn onto it, with black marker in messy (drunken) lines.

“You were saying?” Mello asks smugly.

“Shut up,” Matt sighs, slumps back onto the couch and lights another cigarette.

character: matt/mail jeevas, fandom: death note, genre: humor, challenge: comment-fic, character: mello/mihael kheel

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