Carrie - Carrie/Sue - Stability

Aug 23, 2015 23:25

Title: Stability
Fandom: Carrie
Pairing: Carrie/Sue
Wordcount: 197
Rating: G
Warning: -
Challenge: Drabbletag 6 - sympathy
Challenge: 100_women - truth

Sue keeps stroking her hair, holds her tight and tries to soothe her, but Carrie just keeps on sobbing against her shoulder.

“It’s alright. She can’t hurt you anymore.”

It had taken a bit to finally free Carrie from her abusive Mother, to talk her parents into taking the girl in, but finally Sue can start to restore Carrie’s self-esteem, give her the chance of a normal life.

“Sue …” Carrie whispers and sits up, wipes her tears away and looks at her with big red-cried eyes.

“I know,” she simply says and smiles. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you through it all. It’s gonna be alright.”
The only thing still bugging Sue (though she would never talk about it) is the look in Carrie’s eyes. She thinks the popular girl did this only out of sympathy, that she feels sorry for the outcast. It’s like a shadow on the insecure girl’s face, showing shame and embarrassment.

But Sue knows that it just needs time to make Carrie see that her motivation is a different one. So she just gathers her in her arms once more and holds her tight, to give her the steadiness she desperately needs.

challenge: 100women, genre: fluff, drabbletag6, fandom: carrie

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