Disney's The hunchback of Notre Dame - Esmeralda/Girl!Frollo - No fire in hell

Jan 31, 2015 19:57

Title: No fire in hell
Fandom: Disney's The hunchback of Notre Dame
Pairing: Esmeralda/Alwaysagirl!Frollo
Wordcount: 136
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: femslash100 - drabbletag5: hellfire
Challenge: 100_women - fire

Frollo looks into the fireplace, her face a mask of hatred. How much she hates these gypsies, especially that one demon of a woman. The hate burns hotter than these flames she’s gazing into, hotter than any fire of hell ever could.
“Someday I will get you,” she promises and moves her armchair closer to the fireplace, leans back and puts her legs onto the armrests, spreads them apart.
“Someday …” she repeats and closes her eyes as the heat leaps at her private parts. Her fingers creep over legs to her sex, pulling her labia apart, exposing herself even more to the flames.
“And when this day comes,” she hisses as the warmth sips into her body, making her so hot sweat forms on her skin, “no fire in hell can save you from me.”

fandom: hunchback of notre dame, challenge: 100women, pair: esmeralda/girl!frollo, fandom: disney, drabbletag5, smut

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