Title: The brightness of her smile
Fandom: Disney's Ariel
Pairing: Ariel/Aquata
Wordcount: 148
Rating: G
femslash100 - drabbletag5: shining
They lie next to each other on the bottom of the cave Ariel hides her treasures in. Aquata has been here many times, and yet the cave is full of wonders. Ariel knows so much about the secret human world and their things. And it is also the excitement of doing something forbidden, for their father would have a fit if he knew.
But the main reason Aquata loves to join Ariel is the look on her face, the way she brightens up when she talks about this strange stuff.
But no dinglehopper can ever be as wondrous as the brilliant gleam in her little sister’s eyes when she’s happy having someone to talk to about her passion. So when Ariel tries to show her the sunshine that beams through the hole in the top of the cave, all Aquata can see is the brightness of Ariel’s smile.