Harry Potter - Lavender/Padma - Just a little fairy wine

Aug 18, 2014 16:27

Title: Just a little fairy wine
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lavender/Padma
Wordcount: 250
Rating: PG-13
Challenge/Prompt: Drabble Cycle: Kinks - altered state

„I’m so drunk,“ Padma slurs and lays her head onto Lavender’s shoulder.

“I’m so drunk,” Lavender repeats and lays both of them down onto her bed, feels the pleasant weight of her best friend upon her, how Padma snuggles closer, how the smell of her hair tickles Lavender’s nose. She closes her eyes and smiles, inhales deeply.

“You smell so good,” she mumbles and puts an arm around the other girl.

Padma lifts her head to smell at Lavender, giggling as she does so. “You smell like Lavender.”

It’s still not sure if she meant Lavender herself or the flower, for she also had put on perfume with a fine lavender note earlier.

“You smell tasty,” Padma continues and starts to nibble on Lavender’s neck.

Now it is her turn to giggle, and as she squirms Padma’s hand lands somehow on her breast. They freeze for a moment, nobody moves; until Lavender feels the hand of her best friend squeeze ever so slowly.

Before she knows what she’s doing a soft moan escapes her lips, encourages Padma to squeeze even harder, and moments later their lips meet and their touches become more daring, feeling up soft skin under the school skirts.


The next morning they awake in Lavender’s bed, both butt-naked and blushing. “We were really drunk, right?” Padma asks and pulls the blanket over her breasts.

Lavender nods, and as her friend hurries into her own bed, she hides the bottle of fairy wine, still more than half-full …

fandom: harry potter, character: padma patil, femslash, challenge: ficathon, pair: lavender/padma, challenge: drabble cycle kinks, smut, character: lavender brown

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