Title: Mind and body
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Bellatrix/Hermione
Wordcount: 111
Rating: M
Drabbletag 5 - broken
Bellatrix laughs hysterically as she removes the big dildo from Hermione’s body. She looks at the black phallus, smeared with the younger girl’s whitish fluids and blood.
“So you were a virgin after all,” the witch purrs before licking the toy clean again. She walks around the table Hermione is tied to, not being able to move. She stopped screaming a while ago, and when Bellatrix now looks into these brown eyes, once full with scorn and defiance, there is nothing left.
“But now you’re broken, mind and body … so won’t you finally tell me what I want to know?”
Hermione’s face stays blank as she manages to simply nod.