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Mar 07, 2011 09:44


Name: Xy
Are you over 16?: Y. Lol what if I said no?
Personal LJ: first-quadrant
Email: ichaichafan@gmail.com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM (xoxoxo Xylia)
Characters already in the game: Kakashi from Naruto
How did you find us?: ATP on 8/2/2010 I dug up the post.

I really need to save this damn header somewhere.


Character name: Yumichika Ayasegawa (綾瀬川 弓親, Ayasegawa Yumichika)
Fandom: Bleach
Timeline: Sometime between 423-424, maybe actually during the timeline of 423 (he isn't shown.) But I'm assuming after the Aizen-Ichigo fight, all the shinigami all make it back to Soul Society.
Age: Physically early 20s, actually presumably over 100. Headcanon dictates something like 200, 250.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Oh boy.
Shinigami Powers (if you are familiar with general Bleach shinigami powers, here is a link to skip straight to Yumichika's specific powers.)
  1. What is a Shinigami Anyway?
    Can you believe I almost left this out? lol. In Bleach when you die, you are escorted to the afterlife by a being known as a shinigami. Anyone with enough spirit energy (reiatsu, to be discussed later) can train to be a shinigami. There is a training school. Shinigami are almost always dead, the only exception being Ichigo. For some reason the shinigami, who are already dead, can die again, but this is a shounen series so it doesn't really make sense. Shinigami fight hollows, who are souls that have gone astray, and purify them. High-level hollows become arrancar.
  2. Aging
    Shinigami have a weird way of aging. For instance, ~110 years ago the character Byakuya looked to be 14/15, and he now looks to be in his mid-late 20s or early 30s. However, the characters Renji and Rukia seem to have shot up from ~5 to ~15 within ten years, like regularly-growing humans. The character Yachiru, in contrast, seems to have remained in her 3-year-old looking body for at least 30 years. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, Yumichika doesn't really age physically. Or at least, won't for the duration of the game (considering it runs in real time and I don't think I'll still be playing in 100 years, sorry guys!)
  3. Speed/shunpo
    Bleach peeps are flipping fast. Shunpo is a special technique that literally translates to "flash step" in which essentially the character flashes and POOF is somewhere completely different. Yumichika's personal shunpo is nondestructive (when he uses it, it doesn't destroy the floor at all) and overall I guess a moderate-to-quick speed in relation to other Bleach shunpo.
  4. Reiatsu
    Reiatsu is the Bleach version of energy, and in other series is known as reiki, chakra, ki, chi, spirit energy, spirit whatever, etc. It is separate from life energy and, like most other series, is controllable. Yumichika has pretty good control over his own, which is moderate in amount (again, in relation to his shinigami peers.) Also, if reiatsu levels are high enough, they can (sigh) float in the air and run in the air and things. It can also be concentrated and felt as actual pressure, making cracks in the ground and things like that.
  5. Zanpakutou
    All shinigami have a zanpakutou, which literally translates to "Soul Cutter" but very few people actually use that term. In its unreleased form, it looks like a regular katana with a specialized hilt and handguard. Its released forms are known as shikai and bankai. In shikai, the sword takes on a different form unique to the wielder. Bankai is much rarer and is the ultimate form of a zanpakutou, which few wielders accomplish. To release shikai and bankai, a shinigami must have a very close relationship with their zanpakutou. Yumichika has two forms of shikai (I will talk about this later) and is working towards bankai. He will continue to work on bankai on the ship, and if it is ever revealed in canon, I might adopt it later in a canon update.
  6. Kidou
    Is essentially the Bleach term of magic. Yumichika is capable of mid-level kidou but he will never use it.
  7. Inner World
    This is where the manifest of the zanpakutou lives. All zanpakutou have a "personification" (I use this term loosely-- some are animals.) So there is a peacock floating around in Yumichika's headspace, essentially. This doesn't exactly matter, because Kujaku will never manifest in public and headcanon for his headspace shouldn't affect any mind-readers.
  8. Strength/Endurance/general shounen
    Everyone is super-strong for some reason. In one fight, Yumichika's arm is broken in 3 places and he's like "Oh damn, my arm's broken in three places" and then continues to go kick ass. According to this, he also has a great working knowledge of his anatomy. He can also feel one of his friend's presences from across an entire town.
Yumichika's Powers
  1. Fuji
    Fuji Kujaku (literally: Wisteria Peacock) is the name that Yumichika calls his sword because he wants to hide its real name. The blade of his sword turns into a sickle-shape and fans out into four blades. This new form is essentially not any more useful than its unreleased form.
  2. Ruri'iro
    Ruri'iro Kujaku (literally: Azure Peacock) is the real name of Yumichika's shikai. In this form, his sword becomes a hilt with glowing greenish tentacles coming out, with blueish peacock feathers. They latch onto an opponent and drain this enemy's energy until they die (or are just completely exhausted). The peacock feathers then somehow turn into buds that blossom into lily-like flowers that, if consumed, heal the consumer. He will never use this form if he is visible and doesn't plan on killing his opponent, or he doesn't trust his opponent not to tell anyone else about this power. Because he has good swordsman skills, he doesn't need his to hold his own in a fight.
How would they use their abilities?: Most likely for the greater good, for selfish reasons, or not at all. Also, he does enjoy fighting, so that would help too.

He stands at 5' 6.5" (169cm) and 130lbs (56kg.) He is slim-muscular, with a pale complexion and no identifying scars or birthmarks. He considers himself to be highly attractive!

He has dark black hair with purplish highlight which is straight and cut in a chin-length bob with a deep side part, bright purple eyes, and slightly feminine lips. His eyebrows are naturally thick and he wears two red feathers on his right eyebrow, as well as two yellow feathers on the corner of his right eye.

His fingers are thin and tapered, his hands and feet are both on the small scale for his size, and overall he has a generally androgynous appearance, although he has at least never been mistaken for female in canon.

Usually, he wears either a smile or an annoyed look (don't do it Yumichika, it gives you wrinkles)! When he's worried, he bites his thumb and furrows his brows.

His personal style is... flamboyant. He likes bright colors and outside of filler, seems to have a good sense of aestheticism and accessorizing. He doesn't like to wear uniforms and will slightly alter them to fit his needs. He is almost always presentable (in one episode where his hair is frazzled, he puts on a wig) and puts a lot of stock into his looks!

The earliest glimpse we get of Yumichika is undated but at least 30 years ago (given the relationship of rank) and probably closer to 110 years ago (given character knowledge-- I can expand if asked, but it would require explaining a lot of Bleach things that are not at all related to Yumichika.) He is pictured with long hair (and his bangs almost in a hime cut) and unlike the rest of the characters, he is dressed in a white yukata with flower print. At this point, it's already clear that Yumichika prioritizes beauty. He sort of follows this guy Ikkaku around, suggesting they've been friends for a long time. Ikkaku loses a fight against this guy named Zaraki Kenpachi and decides to train to be stronger than him. One day, Yumichika finds out that Kenpachi has become captain of the strongest division in the afterlife's military equivalent, the Gotei, so he encourages Ikkaku to follow Kenpachi. Of course, Yumichika follows thereafter.

From this, it's already clear that Yumichika is a very supportive character, who focuses most of his attentions on Ikkaku. Despite not admitting it, he is very caring; this extends to the rest of his squad, as evinced when he pulls his lieutenant Yachiru back from a poisonous monster when she wants to play with it. He's not the mother of the eleventh squad but he's the closest thing to it, being the most responsible of the higher-ranking officers in his squad.

The first time you actually see him in canon in present-time, he's presented as an enemy because the main character is trying to break into Seireitei where all the shinigami live, because one of their shinigami broke a rule and they arrested her and he wants to save her because he's the hero. Right, but this app isn't about him. Yumichika is sent as a soldier to take care of the intruders, and he's saddled with fighting Shiba Ganju. Right off the bat, Yumichika is incredibly vain, making fun of Ganju's looks, etcetera. This vanity, as we learn, extends to everything from Yumichika proclaiming he looks good in just about anything to him being offended when people try to damage his beautiful face.

Anyway, later Yumichika says that their captain, Kenpachi, is on the losing side and Ikkaku berates him. It's incredibly evident how much Yumichika respects Ikkaku that not very long thereafter, he follows Kenpachi's plan to help Orihime, who is one of Ichigo's friends, for the selfish desire of wanting to fight Ichigo again. Despite his thoughts on the matter, Yumichika keeps silent and then when faced with being marked a traitor by two of their own for helping Orihime, Yumichika stands up to fight against Hisagi Shuuhei, the lieutenant of the ninth squad. He has absolutely no qualms or doubts about fighting Hisagi whatsoever, despite the fact that the situations that landed him in the fight had nothing to do with his beliefs. It's not that he's wishy-washy, it's just that he's incredibly tunnelvisioned and his focus is set on being by Ikkaku's side forever.

To win against Hisagi, he uses ruri'iro, the "real" form of his shikai (detailed above in abilities!) which suggests two things. One, he trusts Hisagi very much because he holds the secret of his shikai in such high regard that he would rather die than for either Ikkaku or Kenpachi to find out about it. Secondly, Yumichika feels incredibly strongly about being ostracized if they were to find out his sword was "cheap" and used "magic." This is because he goes to find Kenpachi later and is super energetic and positively glowing. He cannot stand still and Kenpachi says the way he moves his hips is disturbing. I don't know what the original says, but sometimes it's translated with slurs. Still, he thinks that his squad would think even less of him if he were to reveal the true nature of his zanpakutou.

The next part is a filler arc so I am skipping it.

So I skipped a lot of things that have nothing to do with Yumichika but essentially the shinigami are now friends with Ichigo, and they have to stop the bad guy Aizen. So Ichigo does some training back home and then he is greeted by some of his shinigami friends, who have somehow managed to convince his school that they're freshman students. They all stay with him and train, and it's a good thing they're in town (who you gonna call??) 'cause one night, Ikkaku and Yumichika feel presence of hollows. It turns out that instead of regular hollows, the presences are actually arrancar! So Ikkaku gets to fight one of these mofos, and Yumichika is on the sideline watching. One of Ichigo's friends asks if Yumichika's gonna do anything to help Ikkaku, and then you get to learn things about the eleventh squad. NO, Ikkaku is having fun and if Yumichika interrupts it would mean that he doesn't trust Ikkaku to fight his own fights, so even if he dies, he would die happy finally having found someone to beat him. Of course, the good news is that Ikkaku doesn't die, but Yumichika's already called in his funeral service anyway.

A little later after that fight, more of those arrancar mofos show up and Yumichika makes an observation that they're coming too fast. He was also the one to notice that there was something that wasn't quite right about the "hollows." He is the most practical and logical and least impulsive of the eleventh squad. During this arc, he pretends to be training for bankai while actually just cursing at his sword and throwing it against a rock, angering it. Since zanpakutou have personalities, this is a big mistake towards getting bankai... suggesting Yumichika doesn't care that his talents are pretty much wasting in eleventh!

The next fight with Luppi isn't important to Yumichika's characterization and then the arc after that is filler again.

Okay, and then around this time the fans start swearing at Kubo for his lack of ability to pace anything. Aizen has some sort of plan to attack Karakura, which is Ichigo's hometown, but the shinigami have made a fake Karakura town so as long as they can drive out the arrancar and keep the pillars they constructed to help, they're gold. Yumichika gets a whole pillar to himself and he is matched against someone just as vain as he is. This guy's name is Charlotte Cuuhlhorne, and he is a hideous beast. Seriously, don't google a picture. Whatever you do, don't google this fight. Yumichika does a spittake onscreen and then laughs his ass off when he sees Charlotte's true form. It should be mentioned here that while Yumichika and Ikkaku's relationship seems onesided (and in many ways, it is), Ikkaku can hear Yumichika's laugh and identify it from where he is standing, all the way across town. He then promptly gets distracted in his own fight. Their relationship is a complicated, but important one.

So then Charlotte nearly hands Yumichika's ass to him-- and he's placed a bet on their fight that whoever the victor is is truly the beautiful one, because each thinks the other is incredibly grotesque and loathsome. Yumichika is ready to die when Charlotte encases them in an enclosed black area, because he thinks it's the worst insult for a vain person to die in a fight unseen. Yumichika, however, takes this opportunity to use the real form of his shikai. So above his beauty, above his vanity, above his life, if he can't be near Ikkaku the rest of it, to him, is pointless.

This is displayed when, shortly after his victory, a pillar falls and from across the town, everyone is wondering who was defeated, except Yumichika. Yumichika knows immediately. He's about to run across to the other side of town when Hisagi holds him back before he does something stupid. He. doesn't really care, and it takes being sedated by another shinigami in order to get Yumichika to calm down.

Then there's a filler arc and Bleach hasn't gotten back to Yumichika yet, so I'm not sure how he reacts to someone having knocked him out with a sedative and then placed him facedown on a rock. Hmmm.

Yumichika is... not quiet. He's happy taking the background and being a support system (he prefers it!) but he does not want to be ignored. He does not take to insult well, and will immaturely fire back with an unsubtle snide remark, usually commenting on the ugliness of the original insult. Often this line of conversation ends after a bit of bickering. He sort of overdoes it when he does lie, up to really dramatic and unnecessary cover-ups. I mean, he comes up with a fake name to insult his sword with so that it won't reveal its true nature, so he knows it won't fight properly if he's not nice to it. As aformentioned, he's easily irritated, catty, and a bit of a drama queen. He and Matsumoto Rangiku, despite being friends, use these traits to describe each other.

Yumichika can be a bit of a nag. He can also be self-absorbed, selfish, standoffish, rude, headstrong and volatile. He can usually keep his temper, unless someone makes a crack about his face. Then things get... well, ugly.

Whenever he's not busy being annoyed, he's quite happy and agreeable... cool and friendly, even. He is definitely subject to flattery and the like.

Surprisingly to most who just know him briefly, Yumichika has a lot of insecurities, despite being very confident on the outside. He is not above being dishonest with those he most trusts and most respects, if he believes that the truth will make him lose appearance with them. However, he's hiding a secret of Ikkaku's for practically the same reason, yet he (especially) doesn't want Ikkaku to know about his own secret. He holds himself to this double-standard... and seems to be very aware, therefore, that whereas he would choose Ikkaku above anyone else, that the reverse just isn't true.

Aside from this, he thinks the eleventh is full of meatheads. But like them, he also enjoys a good fight, which means that he does find something aesthetically pleasing about them! He does enjoy vocally comparing things by look. That's not a full story-- anything, to Yumichika, could have a label of ugly or beautiful, despite not having a visual representation. Personality, for instance, is one that most people use. Yumichika just takes it to a different level.
Why should that character be in this game:

Why do you want to continue their history here:

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:

Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret is the guide. Yumi can make money byyyy mooching, getting missions, seeking independent employment.

1st person sample: [ He fidgets with the guide and it switches on but he's unaware, so for the first minute, it's just a bunch of him making stupid slightly-concerned faces at the camera. ]

This isn't anything like a living world-phone.



Hi. [ And immediately, he preens and smiles at the camera ]

Anyone who can see this, I would like you to check in with me! Ikkaku, that means you too.

[ And just like that, the feed mysteriously clicks off. He's not in his gigai, which means only those of high spiritual awareness and other shinigami have made it; he can feel a few on board, but he can only name one. Nervously, he bites on his thumb... and looks around him to explore. ]

3rd person sample:
Yumichika discovers one morning, that it can actually rain on the Thor, despite it being a ship, and therefore, an interior. He picks up the cake he left to cool on the windowsill, forces a gag down, and tosses it into the trash before he has a second chance to look at it.

And then he finds himself looking at it.

So he pulls about half a dozen tissues from the closest box he can reach and throws them on top to cover. Much better.

He opens the fridge back up to find... fried things, instant things (in the refrigerator, really?), unhealthy things, and nothing resembling a fruit or a vegetable. That's a half-lie; there is a lumpy purple thing with maybe a leaf or a vine on it, but it also sort of looks like it's made of iridescent and maybe slightly pulsating mud of some sort, so that's out of the question.

He slams the door shut and immediately turns and opens his mouth to yell at-- no one. He relaxes. He doesn't live with Ikkaku anymore. He needs to remember that.

On a sticky-note, he scribbles a passive-aggressive note to stick on the refrigerator door with one of the new cute magnets he bought for the room... steps back, adjusts it once, and then heads to one of these sliding metal contraptions.

His door has a tsundere personality today.

Rebuilding the worlds... that's just going to have to wait.
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Like a good girl.
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