Sometimes you need to get lost to be found (or how Yoochun had the best- worst trip ever)

Sep 15, 2014 20:53

Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Romance (budding romance?)
Summary: Wherein Yoochun loses all his things but gains something else entirely for ztarplay

from ztarplay:

Some Chunface meeting a weird someone or someones on the street who ends up being his travel buddy throughout his vacation. *poke* ;p



Was probably the only thought Yoochun could comprehend the moment he finally understood what the airport personnel had been trying to tell him the past hour (language barrier was was a tall tower as of the moment) Add to that, charades was not something he had talent in which made the task of communicating akin to calculus.

“Sorry. It seems that the airline lost your luggage. We can try to get it but it might not get here until three days. We can’t promise you that either. . .”

Seriously, he did not just spend hours travelling -inhaling pressurised air and airport carpet mold, peanuts and stale water to arrive in his destination with nothing on him. His carry on only contained a jacket, his travel pillow (aka Bugums*, the pillow he had since he was three) and his phone (with the charger packed in his luggage by the way) Really, he did not want to spend thru his earnings buying some clothes and toiletries instead of doing touristy stuff but it seemed like it was heading that way.

This was one of those times that Yoochun wanted to cry because embarrassing himself in a public place was to be the cherry on top of this disaster ice cream sundae. As much as that option seemed so welcoming he had to do this like an adult and just let out a heavy sigh. There was nothing he could about it and fuming about this was not going to bring him his luggage faster nor would his tears magically sprout all his paraphernalia at his feet.

Getting stuck in a foreign country with nothing was NOT the vacation of his dreams he worked so hard for. ‘It is what it is’ he simply repeats in his head like a mantra trying to rationalise with himself but his morale was another matter. He walks towards the information desk to call the hotel his brother set him up with. ‘At least I’ll have a place to sleep tonight’ he thinks, he’d call him up when he gets settled, he didn’t want to worry him nor wake him up in an ungodly hour.

The desk is located near the exit, filled with brochures for activities, maps for places and the like but Yoochun’s too preoccupied with his current situation to start planning an itinerary. No one is in the booth when he steps up and looking around he sees no other employee nearby. He does hear however a shuffling sound and a litany of curses in Korean, and that had never sounded so pleasing to his ears until now. Yoochun cranes his neck and leans over the desk to spot a man in a black suit crouched over the floor picking up what seemed like a thousand paper clips.

“Yah!” Yoochun exclaims tapping the table too enthusiastically to get the other man’s attention. The man in the suit obviously surprised, bangs his head on the table before glaring at the rude calling. He is met with a waving Yoochun armed with the brightest smile an information desk employee has been given in the history of the job.

“Ohmygod! You’re Korean right!? Like, obviously you are, I heard you talking there though those weren’t exactly the nicest Korean words ever. I’m just so happy someone can speak my language and I’m so lost right now and God, I need help and this must be his way of reassuring me I’ll be okay despite the shitty luggage situation. So, uh, can you help me?! I mean you totally should you are an employee here and. . .”

“Uh, sir? what?” Was the only thing the information desk worker could mutter, he has been met with excitement with tourists asking him about attractions but this was another level. Either this guy was really excited or ate the whole container of sugar by the coffee shop.

“Sir, let’s deal with this one at a time please to make it easier. What do you need help with first?” He speaks in Korean, he needed his professional self to carry out what the client needed, the faster he does it the faster this man can bolt so he can go back to doing nothing. With that the other nods at him,

“I’m Yoochun. Well, I had a luggage mishap and now I need help with the hotel my brother got for me.” He gets his wallet and gathers the paper his brother gave him with the hotel name. The paper is filled with bulleted reminders like “Drink your medicine.” “Call mom once you get to the hotel.” and of course a cheeky “Don’t be silly, wrap your willy.”

“Oh I’m sorry about what happened to you, it must be rough. Now I understand why you seemed to be in such a panic awhile ago. I’ll look up the hotel and call to have a car pick you up. I’m Jaejoong by the way.” He offers while looking over the paper trying hard to to laugh at the last bulleted item in glaring red marker.

Yoochun smiles at Jaejoong and waits as the man looks over his computer to look for the hotel. All he wanted to do now was take a long shower, put his feet up and sleep. He wasn’t in the mood for anything else. If it took three days to get his luggage (and that was the wishful thinking estimate) it still gave him another three days to enjoy his vacation. He’ll just sort out what he could skip out on and prioritise the sites he really wanted to see. He wanted to enjoy his vacation and he really didn’t want to ruin everything just because of one thing.

Jaejoong dials the hotel number and gives out the details like usual only to be met with something unusual. The said hotel does not have any reservations for a said Park Yoochun at the moment. He tries again, giving out the confirmation number on the paper the other handed to him and again the hotel says the same thing. He argues that the client wouldn’t have gotten a confirmation number if he had not reserved at all but alas there was nothing. Jaejoong scanned the printed paper Yoochun’s brother gave him, scanning for any sort of clue why this would have happened. Really now, has he met any other man with this sort of luck?

Scanning thru the paper once, twice and thrice he finally spots the what was wrong the whole time. The reservation was indeed on the 1st of August, the date today but the year was 2015. Jaejoong sighs, so how was he going to break the news to Yoochun now?

“Yoochun-shi!” the other man who was already half asleep on the chair jumps up startled with the call of his name. He approaches the desk and all Jaejoong could think of was ‘puppy’ when Yoochun smiles at him, dimples showing his mind supplies “cute lost puppy.” He hated being the bearer of bad news but he really was left with nothing.

“So I called the hotel. . .” Jaejoong starts thinking of how he could soften the blow somehow but either way this was going to be bad. “Hmm, well I really hate to say this so let me just show you” and hands over the printed document. He points at the date to Yoochun, “It says here 2015, it seems your brother booked the wrong year.” he sheepishly supplies.

Yoochun turns white.


Park Yoowhan dreams of college girls and drunken nights when he hears the familiar sound of his brother’s ringtone. He rolls over and covers his head with a pillow, if he doesn’t hear the ring then the ringing doesn’t exist. Unluckily for him the ringing does not stop and he is forced to answer it, groggily mashing the keys to unlock the screen. Before he could even say a sleepy word to his hyung he is beaten to it.



Jaejoong expected the angry call Yoochun had given his brother, it was understandable. If he was in the other’s situation he would have been livid as well. The angry threats were also expected and he was actually happy that Yoochun was speaking in Korean so no one could understand him. He expected all of that and possibly some violence but what he did not expect was a grown man sobbing on his desk (hideously he might add) like a toddler.

This was going to be a problem. A big one.

“Hey, hey. It’s alright! We’ll just get you a new hotel. I can check if there’s any available ones. I’ll help you I promise!”

Yoochun only looks up at him, tears and snot streaming down his face.


So it comes to this: Jeajoong comes home to his apartment with Yoochun behind him, the latter looking like a lost child. He silently pats himself at the back for cleaning yesterday and putting stuff away at least now his apartment looked presentable. All that’s left is Yoochun standing by the door looking very much out of place in his apartment.

Jaejoong thinks of all the times he sees a litter of dogs in box left on the street like some cartoon he watched as a child. He had always said that if he were to encounter such a sight he’d probably adopt them all. He had never encountered anything like that thus the lack of dogs in the house but lo and behold here he comes home with something bigger than a box of puppies.

“I’m so sorry for imposing on you like this. I’ll try and get a hotel tomorrow. I’m so sorry. I can’t thank you enough, I swear. You really didn’t have to do this.”

Yoochun whispers quietly, voice still a bit raw from crying at the airport. Before Jaejoong could retort and reassure him, the lost boy bows a complete 90 degree startling him. “Hey, it’s okay. I swear! I invited you here.” he says while pulling Yoochun up. “Let’s just think of this as a sleepover!” he rambles completely caught off guard by the sudden formality.

“But guy’s don’t do sleepovers. . .”


Yoochun wakes up to bright sunlight, the smell of coffee and someone shaking his shoulder. He momentarily forgets what had transpired the night before before it hits him yet again. He groans and ducks under the pillow like child who doesn’t want to go to school but sadly he remembers he’s a legal adult now. “Yoochun-ah, come on get up already! We have a whole day ahead of us!!!” he hears and opens one eye to his now new friend- as the other puts it.

“Wha? Isn’t check in at one in the afternoon. . . “ he mumbles, reaching out to grab his phone to check the time 7:30 AM it blares at him. “It’s too early to go to a hotel, can I sleep just a bit more?” he begs. He wanted to sleep more and after that emotional breakdown he thinks he truly deserves it. But of course Jaejoong has other ideas and before he can close his eyes one more time he is dragged by his feet and falls off the couch landing hard on the floor.

“I have a lot of things in store for you! Get your lazy butt off the couch and shower already!”

“What are you talking about?! Where are you taking me? Put my feet down! FUCK, THAT TICKLES.”

“Just shower already and get ready, we’ll be doing stuff. We’re not going to waste your vacation just because of your lost luggage. Just go with the flow, follow the stream.”

The stream, Yoochun thinks is directly taking him to a bear’s mouth and his a soon to be dead salmon.


They arrive in the city by noon once piece after a rather eventful morning. Yoochun wearing Jaejoong’s shirt, pants and underwear (new and unworn thank goodness) and Yoochun lets himself breathe for a second.

San Francisco is all he sees in the pictures and not at the same time. Walking up the street wasn’t fun and trying not to roll down was another. No not all the houses looked like the Painted Ladiess and he swears there was this funky smell when he passed by some of the houses. A very, very funky smell he might add.

They make the first stop at the Golden Gate Bridge first because heck if you’re going to be a tourist cliche you have to make the biggest one. And well, you wouldn’t want to go there with fog blocking your way and hugging your bones. When Jaejoong said Golden Gate Bridge he apparently means to go to every place with a view of the bridge. “You have to see it from a certain angle, you know?” (and those are quite a number of places too) He snaps pictures here and there, Jaejoong doing the camerawork (and almost getting hit by a car) but seriously Yoochun thinks he seems like a ninja.

Taking pictures from afar doesn’t suffice and the other suggest to go and walk on the bridge. It’s a lot less romantic and more sea breeze slapping you in the face than he imagined it to be. Yoochun looks out at the water, small boats sailing through the cold. He thinks he could contemplate on this spot for a while. "This is just the first stop and you're looking grim already? What's up what with that?" Jaejoong says, leaning his back against the railing.

"I'm not. I'm just thinking this is a good place to think."

"Well, that's nice but I on the other hand cannot think anymore. I'm too hungry to be contemplative so let's get going already." And as if on cue both their stomach’s grumble.

One cliche down and a few more to go, Jaejoong brings him to Ghirardelli Square because chocolate is enough reason. Now, that was not easy to do because Yoochun learns quickly that parking is as rare as pandas nowadays. They circle around the area twice before he shouts to Jaejoong upon seeing a car leave a spot.

They head to a nearby pub and orders something “American” because vacations mean eating and more eating. Yoochun stuffs his face and Jaejoong laughs at the way he eats

“Have you not seen how you eat?! You’re face is priceless.”

“What are you talking about? I’m just eating.”

“You’re just clueless.”

With that Yoochun just shrugs and eats more of the tater tots but Jaejoong still can’t stop heckling at him. He frowns at the childishness but secretly glances at himself in the mirror at the side and tries to chew less like how he usually eats (which was hard by the way) When they finish they go for dessert and Yoochun is happy enough for samples but Jaejoong apparently eats with his eyes. He orders the biggest, baddest ice cream he could because Yoochun is quickly learning that impulsivity is something that runs deep in the other man.

And maybe he is crazier for following nonetheless.

They walk to Fisherman’s Wharf and are herded with the fellow tourists, artists and vendors crowded the sidewalk. Yoochun still tries to take pictures still but after bumping into a fourth person in a row decides to stop and simply follow the older man in front of him.

A few pictures later and just plain anti-social tendencies lead Yoochun to call it quits on the wharf. Jaejoong laughs at him but completely understands at the same time, "Now what?" and the younger one simply shrugs taking out the piece of paper his brother gave him. Checking for places he points at the bookstore written off and Jaejoong gets his phone to GPS the place. They hop back to the car and try not to run over bicyclist.

They park a few streets down and decide to just walk towards the place. He takes a few more snaps of random street art and murals scattered throughout the city. “So. . .um. . . “ Yoochun tries to start as they walk along one of the streets while looking for a bookstore he had wanted to visit for some time. He huffs along behind, if only to observe his travel companion thoroughly.

“Yeah? Is this the time where we ask each other personal stuff and then bear our souls to a complete stranger? Isn’t that how it goes?”

Jaejoong laughs off while jaywalking across the street while Yoochun runs after him completely dazed with the reply. But before he could really retort he finds them standing in front of the said bookstore. “This is cool! I’ve never been here before. Looks like you’ve done some research too.” Quickly snatching a random book, Jaejoong loses himself immediately in the rows of books and disappears.

Yoochun finds it funny to see a Korean section of the bookstore but quickly dives into the old books. Yoochun manages to find The Solitude of Prime Numbers and quickly sets himself down on the floor. There is a quiet peace that surrounds him and he loses himself completely with reading. Hours pass by without him noticing until he feels himself being shaken lightly. He didn’t even notice himself falling asleep and rubs his eyes trying to wake his senses.

“Come on, it’s evening already let’s go grab some dinner before going back home.”

Lazily, he gets up but not forgetting the book in his hands clutching it while heading for the checkout counter. He quickly arranges it in his backpack making sure the book is wrapped carefully to not damage it. Jaejoong glances at the title and smiles secretly.

Soultmates, huh?


OMG I REALLY TRIED, I PROMISE BUT I JUST COULDN'T ANYMORE. I'M SO SORRY!!! ztarplay If you want you can run away with this you totally can. You can smack me too that works as well.


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