Эвтанзия в Канаде

Oct 18, 2022 21:36

Living in a place like Canada evokes images of an elite way of life. We imagine a world full of rainbows and unicorns. We often crave a life like this. But as we look closer, we see that these advanced countries have their own darker problems, that do not exist anywhere else. Would you believe that Canadians are opting “to die” because they feel they have no other choice left? This is taking place in Trudeau’s land. People are willfully opting for death as a solution to their pain and misery.

A 54-year-old man from St. Catharines is currently filing for medical assistance in dying (MAiD), not because he wants to pass away but rather because he feels his social supports are failing him and he may not have any other options.
According to CityNews, years ago, Amir Farsoud suffered a back injury that left him in constant pain. At his worst, he claims to be “sobbing like a 5-year-old and not sleeping for days on end.” Farsoud also takes antidepressants and anxiety medications.
He describes his quality of life as “awful, non-existent and terrible … I do nothing other than manage pain.”
Farsoud clarified that his application for MAiD is not motivated by his pain from injuries. He submitted an application because he hates going without a place to live more than he fears passing away. “It’s not my top pick,” he said.
Farsoud currently has a rooming house that is available for sale that he shares with two other persons. He claims he couldn’t find another place to live that he can afford while receiving social assistance.
Already the house rents in Trudeau’s Canada are touching the skies with affordability having a different meaning now. People in Canada are not able to pay their rent. Making a big claim, in some neighbourhoods, not owning a home now costs more than owning one.
“I don’t want to die but I don’t want to be homeless more than I don’t want to die,” shared Farsoud.
“I know, in my present health condition, I wouldn’t survive it anyway. It wouldn’t be at all dignified waiting, so if that becomes my two options, it’s pretty much a no-brainer,” said Farsoud.
When asked if he would consider assisted dying if he had stable housing, Farsoud said he wouldn’t “even be close to it yet.”

В Канаде самый либеральный режим в мире в вопросе эвтанзии. При этом к ней прибегают вовсе не раковые больные (они тоже) а люди с хронической депрессией и просто бедняки, которые потеряли надежду выбраться из нищеты и не оказаться на улице. И государство идет им на встречу! Бедный и отчаявшийся? Не беда! Мы УБЬЕМ тебя гуманным образом, без боли! Вообще удивлен, почему этого еще не ввели в США. Видимо, потому что среди бедняков, и в особенности больных бедняков, много негров, а убивать негров смертельными иньекциями, даже по их просьбе, очень политически некорректно


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